Mainstream Media Finally Admits Legal Hemp is the Answer to Dependency on Big Oil

Matt Agorist, The Free Thought Project Waking Times Because government is the antithesis to freedom, industrial hemp has been banned nationwide since 1937 ostensibly due to the plant’s similarities to marijuana. Many have speculated that this move was also due to the fact that cannabis is in direct competition with the pharmaceutical industry by providing… Continue reading Mainstream Media Finally Admits Legal Hemp is the Answer to Dependency on Big Oil

4-legged whale fossil found along the coast of Peru

[youtube] Researchers have reported the discovery of fossil remains of a new species of ancient four-legged whale – named Peregocetus pacificus – found in 42.6-million-year-old marine sediments along the coast of Peru. The findings were published in the journal Current Biology on April 4, 2019. The researchers say that the presence of small hooves… Continue reading 4-legged whale fossil found along the coast of Peru

New evidence for life in a Martian meteorite?

Thin slice of the martian meteorite ALH-77005. The melt pocket region, inside the rectangle is where scientists found evidence for microbial mediation. Image via Gyollai et al. Has there ever been life on Mars? We are still awaiting a definitive answer to that long-standing question, although evidence has continued to build that there may indeed… Continue reading New evidence for life in a Martian meteorite?

Alaska’s mountain glaciers: A 10-year story

[youtube] By María José Viñas/NASA’s Earth Science News Team In Alaska, five percent of the land is covered by glaciers that are losing a lot of ice and contributing to sea level rise. To monitor these changes, a small team of NASA-funded researchers has been flying scientific instruments on a bright red, single-engine plane… Continue reading Alaska’s mountain glaciers: A 10-year story

A Cooler Earth Billions Of Years Ago May Be The Reason Why We Have Diamonds

A new study suggests that a cooler Earth billions of years ago is the reason why we have diamonds instead of lumps of graphite. Professor Balz Kamber from QUT’s Earth, Environmental and Biological Sciences School, along with Professor Emma Tomlinson from the Department of Geology at Trinity College Dublin co-authored a study where they examined… Continue reading A Cooler Earth Billions Of Years Ago May Be The Reason Why We Have Diamonds

Fungal disease killing off frogs, toads, salamanders worldwide

[youtube] An international study has determined that a fungal disease – called chytridiomycosis- has caused dramatic population declines in more than 500 amphibian species – mostly frogs, but also toads and salamanders – including 90 extinctions. Over the past 50 years, the deadly disease, which eats away at the skin of amphibians, has completely… Continue reading Fungal disease killing off frogs, toads, salamanders worldwide

60% of bird species came from Australia

Bluejay. Image via the Cornell Lab. According to a new study, all perching bird species — the majority of the world’s bird population — originated in Australia. These perching birds — called passerines — make up more than 60 percent of all birds. There are more than 6,000 species of passerines – distinguished from other… Continue reading 60% of bird species came from Australia

What makes famous Blood Falls red?

Blood Falls sitting at the terminus of Taylor Glacier, spilling its bright red discharge onto Lake Bonney. Image via German Aerospace Center DLR/Flickr. This article is republished with permission from GlacierHub. This post was written by Arley Titzler. Amid Antarctica’s vast stretches of glittering white snow and ethereal blue glacier ice is the famous Blood… Continue reading What makes famous Blood Falls red?

2018 global CO2 growth 4th highest on record

Image via HuffPost. By the end of 2018, NOAA’s atmospheric observatory at Mauna Loa, Hawaii, recorded the fourth-highest annual growth in the concentration of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) in 60 years of record-keeping. Carbon dioxide grew by 2.87 parts per million (ppm) at the mountaintop observatory during 2018, jumping from an average of 407.05 ppm… Continue reading 2018 global CO2 growth 4th highest on record