7 Ridiculously Easy Ways to Eat More Turmeric and Lower Inflammation

Anna Hunt – If you aren’t eating turmeric as part of your daily diet, you are definitely missing out on some great nutrition.

Source: https://www.wakingtimes.com/2019/04/11/7-ridiculously-easy-ways-to-eat-more-turmeric-and-lower-inflammation/

Fly with the world’s fastest bird

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p-_RHRAzUHM&w=800&h=450] So far, no bird known can match the flying speed of a peregrine falcon in its hunting dive. The peregrine falcon is the fastest bird – and in fact the fastest animal on Earth – when in a dive. As it executes this dive, the peregrine falcon soars to a great height, then… Continue reading Fly with the world’s fastest bird

Falcon Heavy Launch Postponed by SpaceX

The most powerful rocket now available on Earth will wait another day for its next journey to orbit and back. Source: https://www.nytimes.com/2019/04/10/science/falcon-heavy-launch-spacex.html?partner=rss&emc=rss…

Critic’s Notebook: Watching ‘Our Planet,’ Where the Predator Is Us

The epic Netflix documentary offers a visual banquet, but it doesn’t sugarcoat the effects of humans on the environment. Source: https://www.nytimes.com/2019/04/10/arts/television/our-planet-netflix-review.html?partner=rss&emc=rss…

Dust devil tracks on Mars, seen from orbit

View larger. | The CaSSIS camera onboard the ESA’s ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter captured this image of Mars’ surface on January 4, 2019. It shows a region northeast of Copernicus Crater, in the Cimmeria region of Mars. The blue/gray streaks are the dust devil tracks. Image via ESA. Here’s a new image of dust devil… Continue reading Dust devil tracks on Mars, seen from orbit

Today in science: Bingham Canyon landslide

The April 10, 2013, landslide at Bingham Canyon mine happened in the form of 2 rock avalanches 95 minutes apart. The first rock avalanche included grayer bedrock material seen around the margins of the lower part of the slide. The second rock avalanche is orange in color, both from bedrock and from waste rock from… Continue reading Today in science: Bingham Canyon landslide

What causes landslides and mudslides?

A view from a Washington Army National Guard helicopter showing the aftermath of the March 22, 2014, mudslide in Oso, Washington, more than a week after it occurred. Image via DVIDS. The terms landslide or mudslide refer to the downward movement of large masses of rocks, soil, mud and organic debris. Areas with steep slopes,… Continue reading What causes landslides and mudslides?

Florida Will Generously Allow Homeowners to Garden in Their Own Yards

Dagny Taggart, Guest Waking Times If you live in Florida and want the freedom to plant food on your own property, I have great news for you. Late last month, the Florida Senate affirmed the right of self-reliant people statewide to grow vegetable gardens in their front yards. Here are some details on the bill… Continue reading Florida Will Generously Allow Homeowners to Garden in Their Own Yards

Lenticular clouds look like UFOs

Beautiful shot of lenticular cloud at sunset by Chris Walker in Dayton, Nevada. Enjoy these photos of beautiful lenticular clouds taken in places around the world, and shared with us by our community at EarthSky Facebook and EarthSky Community Photos. These lens-shaped clouds typically form where stable moist air flows over a mountain or a… Continue reading Lenticular clouds look like UFOs

Latest predictions for the coming solar cycle

The current solar cycle has been relatively weak. The coming solar cycle is expected to be weak also, but not significantly weaker than the current cycle. Graph via NOAA’s Space Weather Prediction Center. A NOAA/NASA co-chaired international panel – charged with forecasting the upcoming 11-year solar cycle, Solar Cycle 25 – released a preliminary forecast… Continue reading Latest predictions for the coming solar cycle