Soft Drinks, Including Sugar-Free, Linked To Increased Risk of Early Death

An anonymous reader quotes a report from The Guardian: People who regularly consume soft drinks have a higher risk of an early death, researchers have found, with the trend seen for both sugared and artificially sweetened drinks. While experts say the study cannot prove soft drinks are a driver of an increased risk of death, they say the work — which…

Sitting for nine and a half hours a day linked to early death

Sitting less and moving more often is associated with a lower risk of early death in middle aged and older people, suggests a review of data from 36,000 people Source:…

China’s CRISPR Babies Could Face Earlier Death

A new report finds that the CRISPR babies created by Chinese scientist He Jiankui last year may be at risk of an early death. It finds that genetic mutations similar to those He created, to a gene called CCR5, shortens people’s lives by an average of 1.9 years. MIT Technology Review reports: “It’s clearly a mutation of quite strong effect,” says…