AT&T Finally Stops Selling DSL

“One of America’s largest internet providers is uploading its oldest broadband technology into the sunset,” reports USA Today, complaining that AT&T will be leaving some future customers without any choices for wired broadband. “We’re beginning to phase out outdated services like DSL and new orders for the service will no longer be supported after October 1,” a corporate statement sent beforehand…

Leaked SpaceX Starlink Speedtests Reveal Download Speeds of 11 to 60Mbps

Some leaked speedtests from beta users of SpaceX’s Starlink satellite-broadband service “aren’t showing the gigabit speeds SpaceX teased,” writes Ars Technica, “but it’s early.” Long-time Slashdot reader AmiMoJo shared their report:
Beta users of SpaceX’s Starlink satellite-broadband service are getting download speeds ranging from 11Mbps to 60Mbps, according to tests conducted using Ookla’s tool. Speed tests showed upload speeds ranging from…

Can SpaceX’s Starlink Broadband System Deliver Less Than 100ms Latency?

Proudrooster writes: Can SpaceX’s Starlink deliver less than 100ms latency? That is the $16 billion dollar question as the FCC looks to pump more money into rural broadband (PDF). Will rural America ever get broadboand? What will America get for giving billions of dollars to incumbent providers? Is this all just FUD or a publicity stunt by the FCC to stop…