The Race for a Super-Antibody Against the Coronavirus

A network of scientists is chasing the pandemic’s holy grail: an antibody that protects against not just the virus, but also related pathogens that may threaten humans. From a report: Dozens of companies and academic groups are racing to develop antibody therapies. Already Regeneron and the drug company Eli Lilly have requested emergency use authorizations for their products from the Food…

Nvidia Pledges To Built Britain’s Largest Supercomputer Following $40 Billion Bid For Arm

U.S. chipmaker Nvidia pledged Monday to build a $52 million supercomputer in Cambridge, England, weeks after announcing it intends to buy British rival Arm for $40 billion. CNBC reports: The supercomputer — named “Cambridge-1” and intended for artificial intelligence (AI) research in health care — is being unveiled by Nvidia founder and Chief Executive Jensen Huang at the company’s GTC 2020…

Some Coronavirus Vaccine Trials Resort To Pen and Paper After Ransomware Hits Software

A software company supporting hundreds of clinical trials — including coronavirus vaccine trials — has been hit by a ransomware attack that “has slowed some of those trials over the past two weeks,” reports the New York Times. Employees “discovered that they were locked out of their data by ransomware…” eResearchTechnology (ERT) said clinical trial patients were never at risk, but…

Hydroxychloroquine Advocate Angry Donald Trump Took ‘Experimental Antibody Stupidness’

“A doctor notorious for claiming hydroxychloroquine is a ‘cure’ for COVID-19 has denounced White House doctors for not giving President Donald Trump the drug to treat his infection…” reports Newsweek. “Other unsubstantiated claims from Immanuel include declarations that fasting can cure those affected by ‘witchcraft,’ that having sex with demons while dreaming can cause gynecological problems and that certain medications contain…

MS Treatment a Step Closer After Drug Shown To Repair Nerve Coating

An anonymous reader quotes a report from The Guardian: Doctors believe they are closer to a treatment for multiple sclerosis after discovering a drug that repairs the coatings around nerves that are damaged by the disease. A clinical trial of the cancer drug bexarotene showed that it repaired the protective myelin sheaths that MS destroys. The loss of myelin causes a…

Columbia leads effort to develop a quantum simulator

Quantum technologies—simulators and computers specifically—have the potential to revolutionize the 21st century, from improved national defense systems to drug discovery to more powerful sensors and communication networks. …

America Is Facing a Monkey Shortage

Thud457 shares a report from USA Today: The race for a coronavirus vaccine to help end the pandemic has consumed the scientific community and created an escalating demand for an essential resource: monkeys. Before drug companies call on human volunteers, monkeys are used in preclinical trials to test a vaccine’s safety and effectiveness. But with more than 100 vaccines in development…

AstraZeneca Resumes Coronavirus Vaccine Study

“Oxford University announced Saturday it was resuming a trial for a coronavirus vaccine it is developing with pharmaceutical company AstraZeneca, a move that comes days after the study was suspended following a reported side-effect in a U.K. patient,” reports the Associated Press: In a statement, the university confirmed the restart across all of its U.K. clinical trial sites after regulators gave…

Experimental drug boosts muscle and bone mass of mice in space

Being in space leads to muscle and bone loss, but an experimental drug given to mice on the International Space Station counteracted this effect. It could help people who are bedridden on Earth Source:…