How South American drug cartels get around coronavirus lockdowns

National lockdowns and a lack of chemicals due to the covid-19 pandemic have affected the illegal drug trade – but cartels have found workarounds Source:…

Money-laundering drug cartels are driving deforestation in Guatemala

The practice of “narco-ranching”, in which drug traffickers launder money through cattle ranches, seems to be responsible for swathes of deforestation in Guatemala, according to an analysis of aerial images Source:…

Facebook To IRS: Refund Me, I’m Irish!

Long-time Slashdot reader theodp writes: Among the techniques featured in a 2012 City Pages story on The 10 Most Corrupt Tax Loopholes was pretending to be Irish. Chris Parker wrote, “Most people associate such exhaustive money-laundering with drug cartels. But it’s now standard practice at firms like Eli Lilly, Google, Microsoft, Pfizer, and Facebook. The only difference is that when drug…

Trump Retreats on Threat to Close Mexican Border, Offering a ‘One-Year Warning’

President Trump has repeatedly promised to close the border over illegal immigration and drug smuggling, a decision that would have severe economic consequences. Source: