Summer Triangle and smallest constellations

You need a dark country sky to see these 3 small constellations: Vulpecula the Fox, Delphinus the Dolphin and Sagitta the Arrow. Source:…

KDE Plasma 5.16 Released

Long-time Slashdot reader jrepin writes: The KDE community has released Plasma 5.16, the newest iteration of the popular desktop environment. It features an improved notification system, Not only can you mute notifications altogether with the Do Not Disturb mode, but the system also groups notifications by app. Developers also focused on user’s privacy. When any application accesses the microphone, an icon…

Dolphins Have Clitorises ‘Remarkably Similar’ to Humans

Dolphins are chaotically horny creatures. They’ve been observed using live eels to masturbate like some kind of aquatic Fleshlight, living in boundaryless sexual societies and are among the few mammals besides humans that have sex for pleasure and social bonding. They’re too smart, too slick, and too sexual for my tastes and I don’t ever… Continue reading Dolphins Have Clitorises ‘Remarkably Similar’ to Humans