Ebola Is Now Curable

An anonymous reader quotes a report from Wired: Amid unrelenting chaos and violence, scientists and doctors in the Democratic Republic of Congo have been running a clinical trial of new drugs to try to combat a year-long Ebola outbreak. On Monday, the trial’s cosponsors at the World Health Organization and the National Institutes of Health announced that two of the experimental…

Google’s DeepMind Says Its AI Tech Can Spot Acute Kidney Disease 48 Hours Before Doctors Spot It

Five years after Google acquired DeepMind, the health and artificial intelligence group is unveiling its biggest breakthrough yet in health care. Its technology is able to predict if a patient has potentially fatal kidney injuries 48 hours before many symptoms can be recognized by doctors. From a report: In a paper published this week in the journal Nature, DeepMind researchers said…

The Law Isn’t Ready For Psychedelic Medicine

Matt Lamkin reports via Scientific American: In March, the Food and Drug Administration approved esketamine, a drug that produces psychedelic effects, to treat depression — the first psychedelic ever to clear that bar. Meanwhile the FDA has granted “breakthrough therapy” status — a designation that enables fast-tracked research — to study MDMA (also called “ecstasy”) as a treatment for post-traumatic stress…

In a 1st, Doctors In US Use CRISPR Tool To Treat Patient With Genetic Disorder

An anonymous reader quotes a report from NPR: For the first time, doctors in the U.S. have used the powerful gene-editing technique CRISPR to try to treat a patient with a genetic disorder. “It is just amazing how far things have come,” says Victoria Gray, 34, of Forest, Miss. “It is wonderful,” she told NPR in an exclusive interview after undergoing…

Scientists Close In On Blood Test For Alzheimer’s

pgmrdlm shares a report from CBS News: Scientists are closing in on a long-sought goal — a blood test to screen people for possible signs of Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia. On Monday at the Alzheimer’s Association International Conference, half a dozen research groups gave new results on various experimental tests, including one that seems 88% accurate at indicating…

AI can teach doctors to spot signs of cancer-causing viruses

AI can spot previously unknown signs of cancer-related viruses in tissue samples, and can teach doctors to look for these patterns themselves Source: https://www.newscientist.com/article/2209237-ai-can-teach-doctors-to-spot-signs-of-cancer-causing-viruses/?utm_campaign=RSS%7CNSNS&utm_source=NSNS&utm_medium=RSS&utm_content=home…

OpenPGP Keyserver Attack Ongoing

Trailrunner7 quotes Duo.com’s Decipher blog: There’s an interesting and troubling attack happening to some people involved in the OpenPGP community that makes their certificates unusable and can essentially break the OpenPGP implementation of anyone who tries to import one of the certificates. The attack is quite simple and doesn’t exploit any technical vulnerabilities in the OpenPGP software, but instead takes advantage…