Hospitals Give Tech Giants Access To Detailed Medical Records

An anonymous reader quotes a report from The Wall Street Journal: Hospitals have granted Microsoft, IBM and Amazon the ability to access identifiable patient information under deals to crunch millions of health records, the latest examples of hospitals’ growing influence in the data economy. This breadth of access wasn’t always spelled out by hospitals and tech giants when the deals were…

Benzodiazepine prescriptions reach ‘disturbing’ levels in the US

Addictive benzodiazepines are prescribed at 66 million doctor appointments a year in the US – often with opioids, making it easier to fatally overdose Source:…

Some Hospitals Are Ditching Lead Aprons During X-Rays

pgmrdlm shares a report from ABC News: Some hospitals are ditching the ritual of covering reproductive organs and fetuses during imaging exams after prominent medical and scientific groups have said it’s a feel-good measure that can impair the quality of diagnostic tests and sometimes inadvertently increase a patient’s radiation exposure. The about-face is intended to improve care, but it will require…

NASA Astronaut’s Blood Clot In Space Gets Treated By Doctor On Earth

Doctor Stephan Moll, a blood-clot expert from the University of North Carolina, helped develop a treatment plan for a NASA astronaut who discovered a blood clot in the jugular vein partway through a long-term mission on the International Space Station. CNET reports: NASA hasn’t revealed the crew member’s name or when the incident happened, though the astronaut discovered the clot two…

The Impressive Holistic Benefits of St. John’s Wort

St. John’s Wort has a long history of being used to treat depression, phobias, skin conditions, and more. Significantly, this herb is still used today by many people who suffer from the same health challenges and want to use a more natural, alternative method to treat their condition…
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How Lax Oversight Of Electronic Health Records Puts Patients At Risk

Plans to ensure patient safety as the nation transitioned to electronic health records have yet to come to fruition a decade later, according to a new report. From an investigation: In fall 2009, several dozen of the best minds in health information technology huddled at a hotel outside Washington, D.C., to discuss potential dangers of an Obama White House plan to…

An AI doctor is analysing heart scans in dozens of hospitals

Doctors are using artificial intelligence in dozens of hospitals to help them make sense of MRI images of the heart Source:…

Woman Who Inherited Huntington’s Disease Sues Doctors

AmiMoJo writes: A woman is suing a London NHS trust for not revealing her father had been diagnosed with Huntington’s disease before she had her own child. She only discovered he carried the gene for the degenerative, incurable brain disorder after her daughter was born. The woman then found out she too carried the faulty gene, meaning her daughter has a…