Jo Grant Is Back to Kick Giant Maggot Ass in This Delightful Doctor Who Season 10 Blu-ray Trailer

The BBC’s ongoing process of re-releasing select seasons of classic Doctor Who on Blu-ray has brought with it another joy beyond simply getting high-quality collections of iconic seasons of the show. That joy? Bringing in familiar faces to goof around in character for the announcement trailers.Read more… Source:…

Doctor Who’s Newest Animated Adventure Is a Truly Brilliant Rejuvenation

The fact that so much of Doctor Who’s early history is lost to time—97 episodes seemingly gone forever, thanks to the BBC’s program of archive junking throughout the ‘60s and ‘70s—has made every chance to see it recovered a monumental event. But it also gives us some blinders when it comes to how we remember… Continue reading Doctor Who’s Newest Animated Adventure Is a Truly Brilliant Rejuvenation

The BBC Show Jodie Whittaker Left for Doctor Who Will Make Her Timey-Wimey Absence Part of Its Story

When you trade being one doctor for another, there’s bound to be some jokes, but Trust Me—the medical thriller that previously starred Jodie Whittaker before a big blue box came calling—is actually going to drop some playful nods to her Who-based exit, and also, weirdly, make Doctor Who part of its story. Read more… Source:… Continue reading The BBC Show Jodie Whittaker Left for Doctor Who Will Make Her Timey-Wimey Absence Part of Its Story