Docker Is In Deep Trouble

An anonymous reader quotes a report from ZDNet: Docker, the technology, is the poster child for containers. But it appears Docker, the business, is in trouble. In a leaked memo, Docker CEO Rob Bearden praised workers — despite the “uncertainty [which] brings with it significant challenges” and “persevering in spite of the lack of clarity we’ve had these past few weeks.”…

Ask Slashdot: Is Dockerization a Fad?

Long-time Slashdot reader Qbertino is your typical Linux/Apache/MySQL/PHP (LAMP) developer, and writes that “in recent years Docker has been the hottest thing since sliced bread.” You are expected to “dockerize” your setups and be able to launch a whole string of processes to boot up various containers with databases and your primary PHP monolith with the launch of a single script….

Docker Bug Allows Root Access To Host File System

Trailrunner7 shares a report: All of the current versions of Docker have a vulnerability that can allow an attacker to get read-write access to any path on the host server. The weakness is the result of a race condition in the Docker software and while there’s a fix in the works, it has not yet been integrated. The bug is the…

Replacing JavaScript: How eBay Made a Web App 50x Faster With WebAssembly

“Online marketplace eBay has revealed how it boosted performance of a demanding web app by 50x using WebAssembly,” reports TechRepublic: The “astonishing” speed-up after switching from a JavaScript-based to a largely WebAssembly-based web app was detailed by the eBay engineering team, who say the performance boost helped make it possible to build a highly-accurate barcode scanner as a web app… a…