Climate Activist Jailed in India as Government Clamps Down on Dissent

Before anyone outside her hometown knew her name, Disha Ravi spent four years raising awareness among young people in Bangalore about the effects of climate change. Now the 21-year-old activist is jailed in New Delhi. The allegation: She distributed a “tool kit” in the form of a Google Doc containing talking points and contact information for influential groups to drum up…

G Suite is Now Google Workspace Because ‘Work is No Longer a Physical Place’

Google today announced that G Suite is being rebranded as Google Workspace. In another nod to the Google brand, four-color icons are coming to the Workspace productivity apps: Gmail, Calendar, Drive, Docs, Sheets, Slides, and Meet. From a report: Workspace is also getting new features, like linked previews, smart chips, Doc creation in rooms, and Meet picture-in-picture. Oh, and there are…

Sir David Attenborough Delivers Stark Warning In BBC Doc ‘Extinction: the Facts’

An anonymous reader quotes a report from the BBC: At 94 years old and with over 60 years of wildlife documentary-making under his belt, Sir David Attenborough is well-placed to share his thoughts about the future of our planet. And on Sunday, in the new BBC documentary Extinction: The Facts, the legendary presenter had a warning for all humans about the…

How to Write an Effective Resume

In this guide, you’ll learn how to create an effective resume. You’ll learn strategies for tailoring your resume to the role you’re pursuing, and how to effectively present your skills and experience—whether you’re a new-job seeker or a mid-career professional switching to a new field. You will learn about templates and formats and understand the […]
The post How to Write an…

Boom Supersonic Hopes To Test-Fly Its Supersonic Plane In 2021

Colorado startup Boom Supersonic is planning to show off its XB-1 supersonic plane on October 7th, with flights planned for next year. Engadget reports: [Boom Supersonic founder Blake Scholl] describes himself as an Objectivist (a follower of the teachings of Ayn Rand) and previously worked for both Groupon and Amazon. He freely admits that, beyond his private pilots license, he does…

Source Code of Covid Tracker Ireland App Goes Global With Linux Project

The Linux Foundation Public Health initiative has chosen the Covid Tracker Ireland app as one of its first two open-source Covid-19 projects. From a report: Since its launch, more than 1.3m people have downloaded the Covid Tracker Ireland app, which was developed to help track the future spread of the coronavirus. Now, the app has been chosen as one of the…

US Commerce Dept. Amends Huawei Ban To Allow For Development of 5G Standards

The United States Department of Commerce today issued a change to allow American companies to participate in developing more streamlined standards for 5G with Huawei. TechCrunch reports: According to the Department: “This action is meant to ensure Huawei’s placement on the Entity List in May 2019 does not prevent American companies from contributing to important standards-developing activities despite Huawei’s pervasive participation…

Developer Warns VR Headset Damaged Eyesight

Software developer Danny Bittman tweeted about how he’s convinced that his eyesight was damaged from wearing a VR headset for hours a day. The BBC reports: Danny Bittman, who has worked as a virtual reality developer for four years, suggested it could have affected his eyesight. “Just had my first eye doctor visit in three years. Now I’m very worried about…

Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey Sets Aside $1 Billion In Square Equity For Coronavirus Relief

An anonymous reader quotes a report from CNBC: Square and Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey said Tuesday he will set aside $1 billion in his Square equity to support relief efforts for COVID-19 and other causes once the pandemic is over. In a series of tweets, Dorsey said that after the pandemic is over, he will dedicate the money to causes like…

Mobilizing 3D Printers Around the World Against the Coronovirus

“From face-shields to respirator valves, 3-D printer owners pitch in to the efforts to provide PPE to Australian hospitals,” writes davecb (Slashdot reader #6,526). It’s not only happening in Australia. But the Guardian talked to Mat Bowtell, a former Toyota engineer in Australia who’s using fourteen 3D printers to manufacture thousands of face shields for healthcare workers. And citing 3D printing,…