Sooner or Later Your Cousin’s DNA Is Going to Solve a Murder

The Golden State Killer case was just the start. Hundreds of cold cases are hot again thanks to a new genealogy technique. The price may be everyone’s genetic privacy. Source:…

A Leading Cause for Wrongful Convictions: Experts Overstating Forensic Results

These three men spent decades in prison as a result of statistical exaggerations. They were among 150 men and women released from prison after their wrongful convictions were overturned in 2018. Source:…

This Genetic Mutation Makes People Feel Full — All the Time

Two new studies confirm that weight control is often the result of genetics, not willpower. Source:…

Don’t Count on 23andMe to Detect Most Breast Cancer Risks, Study Warns

The DNA testing company, which has 10 million customers, misses nearly 90 percent of people with risky BRCA mutations. It says the criticism is overblown. Source:…

Matter: Scott Kelly Spent a Year in Orbit. His Body Is Not Quite the Same.

NASA scientists compared the astronaut to his earthbound twin, Mark. The results hint at what humans will have to endure on long journeys through space. Source:…

DNA Is Solving Dozens of Cold Cases. Sometimes It’s Too Late for Justice.

Like many other decades-old cases, the 1973 killings of a Montana couple were finally solved using DNA and genealogy technology. But the suspect in the case had died in 2003. Source:

‘The Case Against Adnan Syed’: Finale Reveals New DNA Test Results

The HBO series made good on its promise to deliver big revelations about the 20-year-old murder case that “Serial” made famous. Source: