Netflix Indicted By Texas Grand Jury Over ‘Lewd’ Depiction of Children In ‘Cuties’

A Texas grand jury indicted Netflix for the “lewd” representation of children in the controversial French film “Cuties.” The Hill reports: The Sept. 23 indictment shows the Tyler County Grand Jury charged the popular streaming site for “promotion of lewd visual material depicting child” for its drama about a young girl who is torn between her conservative Muslim family’s values and…

California Amends Freelancer Law, But Still Pursues Gig-Worker Companies and Food-Delivery Services

“California is exempting about two-dozen more professions from a landmark labor law designed to treat more people like employees instead of contractors, under a bill that Gov. Gavin Newsom signed on Friday,” reports the San Diego Union-Tribune: The amendments, which take effect immediately, end what lawmakers said were unworkable limits on services provided by freelance writers and still photographers, photojournalists, and…

Google Geofence Data Exonerates Man After Being Charged With Murder

McGruber writes: Keith Sylvester, an Atlanta man wrongfully accused of killing his parents who were found dead in a burning home, is now a free man after Google geofence data identified another man as the murderer. “I had been telling them since 2018 that I was innocent,” said Sylvester. “I was held in jail for almost 15 months and I wrote…

Authorities Consider Taking Legal Action Against Facebook Over Storm Area 51 Event

Local authorities in Rachel, Nevada — the location of a planned Aliengate festival that evolved out of a viral Facebook event — are considering taking legal action to cover $250,000 the county plans to spend to prepare for the potential onslaught of visitors. Gizmodo reports: Matty Roberts created the “Storm Area 51, They Can’t Stop All of Us” Facebook event on…