Thousands of people in Finland to receive genetic health predictions

A large genetic trial in Finland will soon tell 3,400 volunteers their personal risk of developing heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and a type of blood clot Source:…

Loss of the UK’s ash trees due to fungal disease may cost £15 billion

Ash dieback, a fungal disease in the UK’s ash trees, could cost the country nearly £15 billion in clean-up and lost ecosystem benefits like carbon sequestration Source:…

Stop aging in space

Wrinkles, muscle pain, high blood pressure and a clumsy brain are all natural consequences of getting old. As our cells rust over time, a key to fighting chronic disease may be in tiny, smartly designed particles that have the potential to become an anti-ageing supplement. A European experiment seeking innovative antioxidants is on its way to space. Source:…

Will The Future Of America’s Biodefense Stockpile Include DNA-Based Vaccines?

Dan Drollette calls our attention to America’s Strategic National Stockpile for Biodefense, “a little-publicized $7 billion federal agency…key to defending the country from a biological attack.” “Its operators have to prepare for the unthinkable, such as what to do if 100,000 cases of some new disease with pandemic potential appears — what global health officials have sometimes dubbed ‘Disease X.'” From…

A novel technique that uses quantum light to measure temperature at the nanoscale

Being able to measure, and monitor, temperatures and temperature changes at miniscule scales—inside a cell or in micro and nano-electronic components—has the potential to impact many areas of research from disease detection to a major challenge of modern computation and communication technologies, how to measure scalability and performance in electronic components. …

Older bees pass on immunity-boosting molecules to their young in jelly

Bees seem to have a kind of collective immune system. When exposed to disease, older bees produce immunity-boosting molecules that get passed on to their young Source:…

Older bees pass on immunity-boosting molecules to other bees in jelly

Bees seem to have a kind of collective immune system. When exposed to disease, older bees produce immunity-boosting molecules that get passed on to their young Source:…