Gut microbes interfere with Parkinson’s drug – but we could stop them

We have identified organisms in the gut that break down the main drug used to treat Parkinson’s disease, a step towards making the therapy more effective Source:…

Moon and Spica on June 11 and 12

Spica is the brightest star in Virgo the Maiden. Learn this stars place in starlore, here. Source:…

How satellites can improve the health of city dwellers

Most people get a health boost from exercise. But for those with heart disease or a lung condition such as asthma, exercising during periods of high urban air pollution can exacerbate rather than improve their condition. Source:…

Why Pfizer Ignored Data Suggesting Their Drug Could Affect Alzheimer’s

In a controversial pharmaceutical story, this week the Washington Post reported “that Pfizer had evidence that [their drug] Enbrel could be useful in Alzheimer’s disease, and didn’t do anything with it,” according to a blog post from Science magazine: This came from an analysis of insurance claim data: a set of about 127,000 patients with an Alzheimer’s diagnosis and a set…

Is Our Reliance on GPS Shrinking Our Brains?

“Neuroscientists can now see that brain behavior changes when people rely on turn-by-turn directions,” says science writer M.R. O’Connor, citing a study of personal GPS devices co-authored by Kent-based cognitive neuroscience researcher Amir-Homayoun Javadi: What isn’t known is the effect of GPS use on hippocampal function when employed daily over long periods of time. Javadi said the conclusions he draws from…

Russian Trolls Fueled Anti-Vaccination Debate On Twitter, Study Finds

“Russian Twitter trolls have attempted to fuel the anti-vaccination debate in the U.S.,” reports CBS News, citing a study from George Washington University. Bots are reportedly sharing opinions from both sides of the debate to stir up controversy The Daily Dot reports:
The study further warns that the spread of anti-vaccine misinformation by “accounts masquerading as legitimate users” erodes the public consensus…

Heavily Processed Food Like Ready Meals and Ice Cream Linked To Early Death

An anonymous reader quotes a report from The Guardian: People who eat large amounts of heavily processed foods, from breakfast cereals and ready meals to muffins and ice-cream, have a greater risk of heart attack, stroke and early death, according to two major studies. In the French NutriSante study, researchers at the University of Paris gathered details on the diets and…

Family to be deported from Australia because son has cystic fibrosis

An Irish family settled in Australia is calling for community support after their bid to stay in the country was denied due to the cost of their son’s genetic disease Source:…