Update on the 2nd interstellar visitor

Astronomers in Poland have just published the 1st peer-reviewed paper on the 2nd interstellar visitor, now officially labeled as a comet, 2I/Borisov. Plus check out the new Hubble Space Telescope image of this object. Source: https://earthsky.org/space/2i-borisov-hubble-image-looks-like-a-comet…

Saturn is our solar system’s new moon king

Astronomers have found 20 new moons orbiting Saturn, bringing the planet’s total number of moons to 82. That surpasses Jupiter, which has 79. Source: https://earthsky.org/space/saturn-20-new-moons-discovered…

Nobel Prize in Physics: 2019 Winners Made Significant Cosmological Discoveries

The Nobel Prize in physics for 2019 was awarded to three scientists on Tuesday for groundbreaking work on the evolution of the universe and Earth’s place in it. From a report: Their discoveries have forever “transformed our ideas about the cosmos” and helped answer fundamental questions about existence, said the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences. Half of the award went to…

This giant exoplanet shouldn’t exist, but it does

As the number of newly discovered exoplanets – planets orbiting distant suns – continues to rise, so do unexpected surprises. Scientists say that giant exoplanet GJ 3512b shouldn’t even exist around its tiny star, but it does. Source: https://earthsky.org/space/giant-exoplanet-gj-3512b-shouldnt-exist…

IAU names the 2nd interstellar visitor

The first known interstellar visitor received the official name ‘Oumuamua, meaning ‘scout.’ This one has a less romantic name and one that sets a standard for future discoveries: 2I/Borisov. Source: https://earthsky.org/human-world/iau-name-2nd-interstellar-visitor-2i-borisov…

Could a melting exomoon explain Tabby’s Star?

This star undergoes a long-term dimming that’s so mysterious it was, at one time, proposed as possible evidence of an alien culture. Now, scientists say, a disk of debris – torn from a melting exomoon – might explain Tabby’s Star. Source: https://earthsky.org/space/tabbys-star-explanation-melting-exomoon…

The 2nd-fastest pulsar, now with gamma rays

Pulsars are the compact remnants of supernovae. They have strong magnetic fields and rotate rapidly. This one is spinning 707 times a second! Astronomers just discovered this pulsar is emitting high-energy gamma rays. Source: https://earthsky.org/space/2nd-fastest-pulsar-j0952-0607-gamma-rays…

Milton’s Notes On Shakespeare Appear To Have Been Found

Almost 400 years after the first folio of Shakespeare was published in 1623, scholars believe they have identified the early owner of one copy of the text, who made hundreds of insightful annotations throughout: John Milton. The Guardian reports: The astonishing find, which academics say could be one of the most important literary discoveries of modern times, was made by Cambridge…

Milky Way’s black hole appears to be getting hungrier

“We have never seen anything like this in the 24 years we have studied the supermassive black hole. It’s usually a pretty quiet, wimpy black hole on a diet. We don’t know what is driving this big feast.” Source: https://earthsky.org/space/milky-ways-black-hole-appears-to-be-getting-hungrier…

University of Texas Announces Fastest Academic Supercomputer In the World

On Tuesday the University of Texas at Texas launched the fastest supercomputer at any academic facility in the world. The computer — named “Frontera” — is also the fifth most-powerful supercomputer on earth. Slashdot reader aarondubrow quotes their announcement:
The Texas Advanced Computing Center (TACC) at The University of Texas is also home to Stampede2, the second fastest supercomputer at any American…