Meteors more massive than the dinosaur-killing asteroid struck Earth 800 million years ago

A shower of meteors that slammed into the moon (and Earth) had a collective mass estimated to be as much as 60 times that of the asteroid that blasted Earth at the end of the Cretaceous period. Source:

Your Car Is Spewing Microplastics That Blow Around the World

rmdingler shares a report: When you drive, tiny bits of plastic fly off your tires and brakes. Now scientists have shown how all that road muck is blowing into environments like the Arctic. When the world fully transitions from cars that run on dinosaur juice to cars that run on electricity, humanity will have eliminated a major source of planet-warming carbon…

Huge fossilised egg may have been laid by a massive marine reptile

A huge egg, the second largest ever found, has been discovered in dinosaur-era rocks. It may have been laid by a giant marine reptile called a mosasaur Source:…

The first dinosaurs may have laid soft eggs without hard shells

Palaeontologists have long assumed that all dinosaurs laid hard-shelled eggs, but fossils of soft-shelled dinosaur eggs discovered in Mongolia suggest otherwise Source:…

The biggest dinosaur ever may have been twice the size we thought

A near-mythical titanosaur could have been twice as heavy as Patagotitan, the dinosaur previously thought to be the largest animal ever to walk the Earth Source:…

New study says dinosaur-dooming asteroid struck Earth at ‘deadliest possible’ angle

“For the dinosaurs, the worst-case scenario is exactly what happened … because it put more hazardous debris into the upper atmosphere and scattered it everywhere, the very thing that led to a nuclear winter.” Source:…