US Postal Service Announces a Nationwide Digital ‘Operation Santa’

For 108 years Americans have helped their postal service perform “Operation Santa.” But this year’s program will be fully digital and nationwide, reports CNN: The program allows children and families to write letters to Santa, which will then be processed and shared online beginning on December 4 at Once the letters are live, anyone in the U.S. can go online…

Facebook Research Releases Tech To Create 3D Models of People From Photographs

Facebook Research has released technology to create 3D models of people from photographs, reports shirappu: The technology, called PIFuHD, takes photographs of people and reconstructs them in 3D. The tech works on deep neural networks with multi-level architecture that allows for high resolution and accuracy in 3D models even at low levels of memory. More is available in the detail-heavy research…

Should the Government Subsidize Online Jobs and Classes — and Streaming Services?

Two lead economists for the World Bank called for an updated online version of a legendary government program from America’s Great Depression during the 1930s — public works programs — as a companion to widespread calls for quarantining:
What is missing in such mandatory “stick” approaches is the more active use of “carrot” incentives that could both encourage self-isolation and help prepare…

Hospitals Give Tech Giants Access To Detailed Medical Records

An anonymous reader quotes a report from The Wall Street Journal: Hospitals have granted Microsoft, IBM and Amazon the ability to access identifiable patient information under deals to crunch millions of health records, the latest examples of hospitals’ growing influence in the data economy. This breadth of access wasn’t always spelled out by hospitals and tech giants when the deals were…