Best Free (and Almost Free) Resources to Help You Eat a Plant-rich Diet

Sofia Adamson – There are tons of resources available online to get you on the path of eating a plant-based diet. Source:…

Human history in your face

When you look in a mirror, the face you see is the result of millions of years of human evolution. Here’s an interview with an expert discussing how and why our modern human faces evolved to look as they do today. Source:…

The Powerful Aspirin Alternative Your Doctor Never Told You About

Sayer Ji – Evidence indicates that aspirin is very dangerous, but there are natural alternatives. Source:…

Why observe Earth Day on April 22?

April 22 is the date of Earth Day in part because of Arbor Day, an earlier observance. The focus of Earth Day 2019 is protection of Earth species. Source:…

4 open source apps for plant-based diets

Reducing your consumption of meat, dairy, and processed foods is better for the planet and better for your health. Changing your diet can be difficult, but several open source Android applications can help you switch to a more plant-based diet.

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Wild Bee Population Collapses By 90% In New England, Study Warns

Tyler Durden – Bee species continue to decline at an alarming rate. Source:…

6 Ways to Use Your Smartphone More Wisely

Sofia Adamson – Instead of mindlessly staying glued to your screen, consider limiting the use of your smartphone to only these features and apps. Source:…

Magnesium Puts Psychiatric Drugs to Shame for Depression

Sayer Ji – Depression is one of the most widely diagnosed conditions of our time. Source:…

Protein mania: The problem with the West’s latest diet obsession

Everything from breakfast cereal to ice cream and even water is now laced with extra protein. Is there any evidence that consuming more of it does us good? Source:…