Performance-Enhancing Bacteria Has a Symbiotic Relationship With Athletes

Long-time Slashdot reader tomhath shares some big bacteria news from Harvard Medical School:
Researchers from Joslin Diabetes Center determined Veillonella metabolizes lactic acid produced by exercise and converts it into propionate, a short chain fatty acid. The human body then utilizes that propionate to improve exercise capacity… “It creates this positive feedback loop. The host is producing something that this particular microbe…

FDA Warns About Insulin Pump Cybersecurity

Something new for diabetes patients to worry about: Someone nearby could potentially connect wirelessly to your Medtronic MiniMed insulin pump, the FDA warned yesterday. From a report: While the agency said that, as far as it knows, no one has actually hacked into someone else’s insulin pump and harmed them, this is the future of health care cyber risk. They could…

A Solution For Loneliness: Get Out and Volunteer, Research Suggests

“Loneliness is rampant, and it’s killing us,” writes Kasley Killam for Scientific American. “Anywhere from one quarter to one half of Americans feel lonely a lot of the time, which puts them at risk for developing a range of physical and mental illnesses, including heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and depression.” Killam surfaces several studies that found volunteering to be an effective…

How to Get the Best Sleep of Your Life

Sofia Adamson – If you want to decrease your risk of disease, improving the quality of your sleep should be a top priority. Source:…

Thousands of people in Finland to receive genetic health predictions

A large genetic trial in Finland will soon tell 3,400 volunteers their personal risk of developing heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and a type of blood clot Source:…

2 Popular Foods May Turn Immune System Against Brain

Sayer Ji – Two of the Western world’s most popular foods have been implicated in immune mediated brain damage.  Source:…

The Powerful Aspirin Alternative Your Doctor Never Told You About

Sayer Ji – Evidence indicates that aspirin is very dangerous, but there are natural alternatives. Source:…

Magnesium Puts Psychiatric Drugs to Shame for Depression

Sayer Ji – Depression is one of the most widely diagnosed conditions of our time. Source:…