Rogue ‘Immune Cell X’ Is a Completely New Type of Cell. It Could Trigger Type 1 Diabetes.

Scientists have discovered a mysterious population of previously unknown cells lurking in the human body, and they may trigger Type 1 diabetes. Source:

Drinking More Than 2 Sodas Per Day Can Increase Your Risk of Dying, Study Finds

According to a new study, those who drink more than two glasses of soda or any soft drink per day have a high risk of dying. From a report: Experts studied more than 450,000 people from 10 European countries for up to 19 years and found that those who had more than two glasses of soda per day had a higher…

Soft Drinks, Including Sugar-Free, Linked To Increased Risk of Early Death

An anonymous reader quotes a report from The Guardian: People who regularly consume soft drinks have a higher risk of an early death, researchers have found, with the trend seen for both sugared and artificially sweetened drinks. While experts say the study cannot prove soft drinks are a driver of an increased risk of death, they say the work — which…

Middle-Aged Hearing Loss Doubles Risk of Dementia

“Hearing loss in middle age is associated with higher odds of cognitive decline and dementia in later years,” reports Reuters, citing a large study in Taiwan. Researchers tracked more than 16,000 men and women and found that a new diagnosis of hearing loss between ages 45 and 65 more than doubled the odds of a dementia diagnosis in the next dozen…

Have we found the true cause of diabetes, stroke and Alzheimer’s?

The diseases most people die of have been attributed to unhealthy lifestyles. But evidence now suggests bacteria are to blame, heralding a revolution in medicine Source:…

‘Caloric Restriction’ Study Finds Surprising Health Benefits

The New York Times reports positive results from the first major clinical study of caloric restriction (funded by America’s National Institutes of Health) in which 143 healthy volunteers ate (on average) 300 calories less each day: They lost weight and body fat. Their cholesterol levels improved, their blood pressure fell slightly, and they had better blood sugar control and less inflammation….

Imperial Researchers Model US Health Impacts of FDA Sodium Targets

Cardiovascular disease is one of the biggest public health challenges facing America today by any measure. It is the leading cause of mortality and morbidity in the U.S., resulting in 800,000 deaths and 6 million hospital admissions per year. Cardiovascular disease costs the economy $318 billion annually in healthcare costs and an additional $237 billion […]
The post Imperial Researchers Model US…

Measuring the Rising Risks of Obesity and Diabetes in Africa

While Africa’s high infectious disease burden has drawn the most attention from the international public health community, the continent is also facing rising impacts from non-communicable diseases (NCDs), including diabetes. Similarly, crises of food insecurity in the region have obscured the risks of obesity accompanying Africa’s increasing economic growth and urbanization.  This is changing, however, […]
The post Measuring the Rising Risks…

Expanding Healthcare Access Shrinks Inequality in Brazil, Imperial Research Shows

The United Nations has declared reducing inequality as one of its Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) both within and among countries. This includes a target for countries to adopt social protection policies that “progressively achieve greater equality.” Healthcare is a core concern of those social protection policies, and a recent study shows that expanding access to […]
The post Expanding Healthcare Access Shrinks…