Google’s Medical AI Was Super Accurate in a Lab. Real Life Was a Different Story.

The covid-19 pandemic is stretching hospital resources to the breaking point in many countries in the world. It is no surprise that many people hope AI could speed up patient screening and ease the strain on clinical staff. But a study from Google Health — the first to look at the impact of a deep-learning tool in real clinical settings –…

Will The Pandemic Force Us to Learn How to Cook?

“In one recent survey, 54 percent of respondents said they cook more than before the pandemic,” writes a clinical associate professor at NYU’s business school: 75 percent said they have become more confident in the kitchen and 51 percent said they will continue to cook more after the crisis ends. Interest in online cooking tutorials, recipe websites and food blogs has…

Does the ACE2 protein explain covid-19 risk for underlying conditions?

Does a cell surface protein explain why the coronavirus is more likely to kill people with diabetes or heart disease? Researchers are trying to find out Source:…

Experimental diabetes device works by killing gut cells with hot water

A device that carries hot water down a tube into the gut may help manage diabetes by killing overgrown gut cells that release hormones key to metabolising food Source:…

One Woman Can Smell Parkinson’s Disease Before Symptoms Manifest

“For most of her life, Joy Milne had a superpower that she was totally oblivious to,” reports NPR. Long-time Slashdot reader doug141 explains what happened next:
Milne’s husband’s natural odor changed when he was 31. He was diagnosed with Parkinson’s at 45. When Joy walked into a Parkinson’s support group, she smelled the same odor on everybody. A Parkinson’s researcher tested her…

99% of Those Who Died From Virus Had Other Illness, Italy Says

More than 99% of Italy’s coronavirus fatalities were people who suffered from previous medical conditions, according to a study [PDF] by the country’s national health authority. Reader schwit1 shares a report: The new study could provide insight into why Italy’s death rate, at about 8% of total infected people, is higher than in other countries. The Rome-based institute has examined medical…

Type 1 diabetes may be two conditions that need different treatments

There may be two different categories of type 1 diabetes that are more common at different ages. Understanding the differences could lead to new treatments Source:…

Coronavirus: Risk of death rises with age, diabetes and heart disease

People who have the new coronavirus are more likely to die if they are older or show signs of sepsis or blood clotting problems, suggests a study of patients in two Wuhan hospitals Source:…

Bacteria found leaking from gut to body in people who are obese

Bacterial DNA has been found in the blood, liver and fat of people who are obese, showing bacterial fragments or even live bacteria are leaking into their bodies. This may help explain the development of type 2 diabetes Source:…

Ancient viruses buried in our DNA may reawaken and cause illness

Stress or infection may prompt viruses hidden in our genome to stagger back to life, contributing to some cases of multiple sclerosis, diabetes and schizophrenia Source:…