China Secretly Built a Vast New Infrastructure To Imprison Muslims

In a series of investigations, BuzzFeed News used satellite images to reveal 268 newly-built internment camps for Muslims in the Xinjiang region. Longtime Slashdot reader wiredog shares the reports with us. Part 1: China Secretly Built A Vast New Infrastructure To Imprison Muslims
Part 2: What They Saw: Ex-Prisoners Detail The Horrors Of China’s Detention Camps
Part 3: Blanked Out Spots On China’s…

Will China Export Its Surveillance Technology?

Business Insider ran a disturbing opinion column by their senior finance correspondent: The detention camps where the Chinese government has interned more than 1 million Muslim Uighurs serves a dual purpose. It not only oppresses what the Chinese government considers a troublesome minority on its western frontier but also serves as a lab for the development of surveillance technology by Chinese…