Desert ant runs so fast it covers 100 times its body length per second

Saharan silver ants only have 10 minutes a day to find food in the searing desert heat, so they have evolved to run at almost a metre per second Source:…

Curiosity finds an ancient oasis on Mars

Scientists working with the Curiosity rover have found salt-enriched rock at a place called Sutton Island on Mars. The rocks suggest ponds with briny water on Mars, billions of years ago. Source:…

10 amazing places for year-round stargazing

The stars are accessible to everyone, but where can you get the most from the night sky? Here are 10 great dark-sky places – mostly in the U.S. but also in Australia, New Zealand and Chile – for skywatching and stargazing. Source:…

Desert birds are struggling to get enough water to stay cool

Bird numbers are plummeting in the Mojave desert in the US as it gets hotter due to global warming, and it could be because they can’t get the water they need Source:…