Bright star Deneb transits at nightfall

This beloved Summer Triangle star is shifting westward in our sky. Its transit at nightfall in mid-October is a hallmark of the year, marking a shift toward winter – or summer – on your half of the globe. Source:…

System76 Will Begin Shipping 2 Linux Laptops With Coreboot-Based Open Source Firmware

System76, the Denver-based Linux PC manufacturer and developer of Pop OS, has some stellar news for those who prefer their laptops a little more open. Later this month the company will begin shipping two of their laptop models with its Coreboot-powered open source firmware. From a report: Beginning today, System76 will start taking pre-orders for both the Galago Pro and Darter…

Year’s fastest sunsets around equinoxes

We’re talking about the actual rate at which the sun sinks below the horizon. It’s faster around the equinoxes than at any other time. Source:…

‘Men In Black’ Director Barry Sonnenfeld Calls 8K, Netflix HDR ‘Stupid’

CIStud writes Barry Sonnenfeld, director of the “Men in Black” series, “Get Shorty” and most recently Netflix’s “Series of Unfortunate Events”, says 8K is “only good for sports” and High Dynamic Range (HDR) is “stupid” and “a waste.” Sonnenfeld, speaking with actor Patrick Warburton at the CEDIA Expo last week in Denver, called for a “filmmaker mode” on all TVs that…

Harvest Moon on Friday the 13th

For the Northern Hemisphere, the September 2019 full moon is the closest full moon to the September autumn equinox, so it counts as the Northern Hemisphere’s full Harvest Moon. Source:…

Initial Tests of the Samsung Galaxy S10 5G and 5G Networks in US Cities Find The Phone Often Overheats and Switches To 4G

Joanna Stern, reporting for the Wall Street Journal: One of the biggest findings of my multi-city 5G review tour: The Samsung Galaxy S10 5G isn’t reliable in the summer — unless, well, you summer in Iceland. When I ran tests, the phone’s 5G often switched off due to overheating, leaving me with a 4G connection. Cellular carriers demo-ing or testing the…

Startup Aims To Turn Solar and Wind Power Into Carbon-Neutral Gasoline

“Last month, Rob McGinnis fired up a new machine that runs combustion in reverse, using electricity to weld carbon dioxide and water into liquid fuels,” writes Slashdot reader sciencehabit: McGinnis, a chemical engineer and entrepreneur, has launched a new start-up called Prometheus, in hopes that he will be able to synthesize fuels more cheaply than energy giants can drill for oil,…

Latest sunsets follow summer solstice

Latest sunsets around now for 40 degrees north latitude. Latest sunrises around now for 40 degrees south latitude. Source:…

Latest dusk for northerly latitudes

Although the Northern Hemisphere’s summer solstice – and longest day – happened a few days ago, the latest twilight at 40 degrees North latitude always follows by several days. Expect the longest northern twilight on or near June 24. Source:…

Longest sunsets happen around the solstice

We’re talking about the number of minutes it takes for the body of the sun to sink below your western horizon. Fastest at the equinoxes, slowest at the solstices. Source:…