EU Plans To Increase Offshore Windfarm Capacity By 250%

The capacity of the EU’s offshore windfarms in the North Sea, the Baltic, the Atlantic, the Mediterranean and the Black Sea will be increased by 250% under a draft plan drawn up by the European commission. The Guardian reports: The total energy generating capacity in Europe’s seas stands at 23 gigawatts (GW), from 5,047 grid-connected wind turbines across 12 countries, including…

Denmark Plans To Cull 15 Million Minks After Coronavirus Mutation Spreads To Humans

A Slashdot reader writes: Denmark plans to cull its entire population of roughly 15 million minks in farms after the animals spread a mutation of the coronavirus to humans. The country’s prime minister, Mette Frederiksen, said at a press conference Wednesday that the mutated virus could spread to other countries and it “may pose a risk to the effectiveness of a…

Facebook Finally Launches Its New Oversight Board for Content Moderation

NBC News reports that “Social media users who believe their posts have been unfairly removed from Facebook or Instagram can now file an appeal to Facebook’s Independent Oversight Board, the company announced Thursday.”
Positioned as a “Supreme Court” for Facebook’s content moderation decisions, the external panel of 20 journalists, academics, lawyers and human rights experts will weigh in — and potentially override…

EU Shoots For $11.7B ‘Industrial Cloud’ To Rival US

The European Union aims to spend up to 10 billion euro ($11.7 million) over the next seven years to help build up a homegrown cloud computing sector that could rival foreign corporations such as Amazon, Google and Alibaba. From a report: Twenty-five EU countries signed a joint declaration last week pledging public money to power up the cloud sector and establishing…

Denmark: We Can Slash CO2 By 70% In a Decade And Still Have Welfare

Denmark said on Tuesday that it could reach its 2030 climate target of reducing emissions by 70%, one of the world’s most ambitious, without compromising its generous welfare benefits. Reuters reports: Last year, parties across the aisle passed a law committing Denmark to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 70% from 1990 levels, or around 20 million tons of CO2 equivalent, within…

Strange Bacteria Can Build Electricity-Carrying Cables in Mud

Bacteria in mud samples have been transformed into microbial fuel cells generating enough electricity to power a toy car — just part of a larger phenomenon that one chemical engineer had originally dismissed as “complete nonsense.” Science magazine remembers how Lars Peter Nielsen’s 2009 experiment at Denmark’s Aarhus University changed the way the world viewed bacteria:
At the start of the experiment,…

Google Threatens to Remove All Danish Music From YouTube

YouTube is “embroiled in a very public spat with songwriters and music publishers in Denmark,” according to one music-industry news site. They cite Koda, the group that collects royalties and licensing fees for musicians, as saying that YouTube is now threatening to remove all music written by Danish songwriters: The cause of this threat is a disagreement between the two parties…

Google Promises Privacy With Virus App But Can Still Collection Location Data

An anonymous reader quotes a report from The New York Times: When Google and Apple announced plans in April for free software to help alert people of their possible exposure to the coronavirus, the companies promoted it as “privacy preserving” and said it would not track users’ locations. Encouraged by those guarantees, Germany, Switzerland and other countries used the code to…