Oldest evidence of malted barley shows ancient Scandinavians made beer

Ancient malted barley grains found in Denmark suggest that people there were likely brewing beer at least two millennia ago Source: https://www.newscientist.com/article/2268383-oldest-evidence-of-malted-barley-shows-ancient-scandinavians-made-beer/?utm_campaign=RSS%7CNSNS&utm_source=NSNS&utm_medium=RSS&utm_content=home…

AI Program Claims To Predict COVID-19 Death Rate With 90 Percent Accuracy

An anonymous reader quotes a report from The Next Web: Scientists from the University of Copenhagen have developed an AI tool that can predict who’ll die from COVID-19 with up to 90% accuracy. It also predicted whether someone who’s admitted to hospital with COVID-19 will need a respirator with 80% accuracy. The researchers fed the system health data from almost 4,000…

Denmark Strikes Deal On Artificial Wind Energy Island

An anonymous reader quotes a report from The Guardian: Denmark’s government has agreed to take a majority stake in a 25 billion euro artificial “energy island,” which is to be built 50 miles (80km) offshore, in the middle of the North Sea. The island to the west of the Jutland peninsula will initially have an area of 120,000 sq meters –…

Google To Allow Gambling Apps In the Play Store

Android users in the U.S. will soon gain access to betting and gambling apps through the Play Store, Google announced Thursday. CNET reports: As of March 1, online casino games, sports betting, lotteries and daily fantasy sports apps will be allowed in certain states. You can see a complete list of what types of gambling apps are allowed in each state…

Are We Slowing Global Warming?

This week New York Magazine featured a new article by journalist David Wallace-Wells about the state of the fight against global warming. He warns that “Already, the planet is warmer, at just 1.2 degrees, than it has ever been…” But there’s also some good news:
Just a half-decade ago, it was widely believed that a “business as usual” emissions path would bring…

Google Stadia, Nvidia GeForce Now Support is Coming To LG’s 2021 TVs

Game streaming has been slowly growing in recent years with the launches of Nvidia’s GeForce Now, Google’s Stadia, Microsoft’s xCloud and Amazon’s Project Luna. This year, however, it looks to finally be picking up more steam. At CES 2021, LG announced that some of its 2021 TVs will support apps for playing games from Google Stadia and GeForce Now right on…

What Scientists Know About the Coronavirus Variant Spreading In the UK

An anonymous reader quotes a report from NBC News: Several European countries have banned flights from the U.K. over fears about a new coronavirus variant that has forced millions of people in Britain to cancel their Christmas plans. Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, Austria and Italy all announced restrictions on U.K. travel. Others will likely follow suit as scientists warned that the…

Culled Mink Rise From the Dead To Denmark’s Horror

Dead mink are rising from their graves in Denmark after a rushed cull over fears of a coronavirus mutation led to thousands being slaughtered and buried in shallow pits — from which some are now emerging. From a report: “As the bodies decay, gases can be formed,” Thomas Kristensen, a national police spokesman, told the state broadcaster DR. “This causes the…

Masks are Effective, Despite One Flawed Study From Denmark

“I think the overwhelming body of evidence suggests that masks are effective,” the lead author of a study recently cited by America’s Center for Disease Control told the Washington Post. They were responding to another (very controversial) outlier study whose findings “conflict with those from a number of other studies,” according to the New York Times, citing numerous experts. “Critics were…