What No Man Has Seen Before: Remastering Deep Space Nine To Maximum Quality

Dputiger writes: After nine months of work, I’ve published workflows, example videos, and screenshots showing how to restore Star Trek: Deep Space Nine from the rather potato quality of its DVDs to something you could plausibly call HD equivalent. These are the results. “With careful processing and good upscaling, it’s possible to give Deep Space Nine a clarity that I think…

Did America Steal Its Space Force Logo From ‘Star Trek’?

On Friday America’s commander-in-chief revealed the logo for the newest branch of its military, Space Force. CNBC immediately reported that the logo “has boldly gone where Star Trek has gone before.” The Pentagon and White House did not immediately respond to CNBC’s query as to why the Space Force and Star Trek logos — both with blue globes, white stars, and…

Remembering Rene Auberjonois, ‘Star Trek: Deep Space Nine’ Actor

Last weekend saw the death of Rene Auberjonois at age 79, writes Variety. schwit1 quotes their report: Auberjonois was a prolific television actor, appearing as Paul Lewiston in 71 episodes of ‘Boston Legal’ and as Clayton Runnymede Endicott III in ABC’s long-running sitcom ‘Benson.’ He played Odo in ‘Star Trek: Deep Space Nine,’ and carried that role into video games, voicing…

Remembering Star Trek Writer DC Fontana, 1939-2019

Long-time Slashdot reader sandbagger brings the news that D. C. Fontana, an influential story editor and writer on the original 1960s TV series Star Trek, has died this week. People reports: The writer is credited with developing the Spock character’s backstory and “expanding Vulcan culture,” SyFy reported of her massive contribution to the beloved sci-fi series. Fontana was the one who…

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine ‘Nog’ Actor Aron Eisenberg Has Died at 50

An anonymous reader quotes CNET: Actor Aron Eisenberg, who played Nog on Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, died Saturday at age 50, his wife Malíssa Longo posted on Facebook. “He was an intelligent, humble, funny, emphatic soul,” Longo wrote. “He sought to live his life with integrity and truth. He was so driven to put the best he had into whatever…