How volcanoes explode deep under the ocean

Explosive volcanic eruptions are possible deep down in the sea – although the water masses exert enormous pressure there. An international team reports how this can happen. Source:…

Ocean currents are sweeping microplastics into the deep sea

Slow-moving underwater currents are leading to build ups of microplastics in biologically rich areas on the sea floor Source:…

This could be the longest ocean creature ever recorded

Scientists have discovered a 150-foot (46-meter) example of a siphonophore, a string-like deep-sea predator in Australian waters. Source:…

Deep Sea Squid Communicate By Glowing Like E-Readers

An anonymous reader quotes a report from NPR: Deep in the Pacific Ocean, six-foot-long Humboldt squid are known for being aggressive, cannibalistic and, according to new research, good communicators. Known as “red devils,” the squid can rapidly change the color of their skin, making different patterns to communicate, something other squid species are known to do. But Humboldt squid live in…

Researchers describe 71 new species in 2019

New species from 5 continents and 3 oceans include geckos, goblin spiders, flowering plants, and Mediterranean ants. Source:…

Marine life is still struggling after the Deepwater Horizon oil spill

The lingering effects of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill have been extreme for deep sea creatures, with biodiversity still down years after the disaster Source:…

Dragonfish have ‘invisible’ teeth to help them sneak up on their prey

Dragonfish live in the deep sea and have transparent teeth sharper than a piranha’s. A study has now found what makes their teeth see-through Source:…