How the NSA’s Hubris Left America Vulnerable

A new book promises “the untold story of the cyberweapons market — the most secretive, invisible, government-backed market on earth — and a terrifying first look at a new kind of global warfare.” Its author — a New York Times cybersecurity reporter — shares the book’s story about David Evenden, a former National Security Agency analyst who later worked in Abu…

UK coronavirus variant deadlier but researchers say no need to panic

It appears the UK’s B.1.1.7 coronavirus variant is slightly more deadly and more transmissible than other variants, but improved treatments may limit the risk of death if you are infected Source:…

Report Finds Extremists Did Use Facebook to Plan Capitol Attack

NBC News reports: A number of pro-Trump extremists used Facebook to plan their attack on the U.S. Capitol, a watchdog organization has found, contradicting claims by Facebook’s leadership that such planning was largely done on other sites. Private Facebook groups spent months advising one another about how to “take down” the U.S. government, particularly after Joe Biden was elected president, according…

Covid-19 news: UK variant may be 30 per cent more deadly

The latest coronavirus news updated every day including coronavirus cases, the latest news, features and interviews from New Scientist and essential information about the covid-19 pandemic Source:…

How covid-19 could become as mild as a common cold

As the new coronavirus evolves, it could follow the same path as other coronaviruses we live with already, becoming far less deadly in the future Source:…

Remote Control review: Fusing Ghanaian stories with a sci-fi thriller

Nnedi Okorafor’s Remote Control mixes West African folk tales with a sci-fi mystery in a futuristic version of Ghana, as a young girl finds a meteor and gains a deadly power Source:…

House Votes To Impeach President Trump a Historic Second Time

A House majority, including several Republicans, on Wednesday voted to impeach President Trump for “incitement of insurrection.” The New York Times reports: The House had enough votes on Wednesday to impeach President Trump for inciting a violent insurrection against the United States government, as more than a half-dozen members of the president’s party joined Democrats to charge him with high crimes…

YouTube Suspends Trump’s Channel For At Least 7 Days

YouTube has taken action against President Donald Trump and barred new videos from being uploaded to his channel for at least seven days, citing violations of its policies and “concerns about the ongoing potential for violence.” NBC News reports: It’s the latest action against Trump after last week’s deadly riot at the U.S. Capitol by a pro-Trump mob. Twitter and Facebook…