Facial Recognition Reveals Political Party In Troubling New Research

Researchers have created a machine learning system that they claim can determine a person’s political party, with reasonable accuracy, based only on their face. TechCrunch reports: The study, which appeared this week in the Nature journal Scientific Reports, was conducted by Stanford University’s Michal Kosinski. Kosinski made headlines in 2017 with work that found that a person’s sexual preference could be…

America’s Hottest New Dating Sites: Business School Campuses

A growing proportion of women in M.B.A. programs has yielded greater gender parity in classes — and more business-school weddings. From a report: Liza Merolla and her husband, Justin Merolla, are among a growing number of couples who met through one of the world’s most expensive dating sites. They were students at the business school of Columbia University in New York…