Facebook Targeted In UK Legal Action Over Cambridge Analytica Scandal

An anonymous reader shares a report from the BBC: Facebook is being sued for failing to protect users’ personal data in the Cambridge Analytica breach. The scandal involved harvested Facebook data of 87 million people being used for advertising during elections. Mass legal action is being launched against Facebook for misuse of information from almost one million users in England and…

British Airways Fined $26 Million Over Data Breach

British Airways has been fined $26m by the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) for a data breach which affected more than 400,000 customers. From a report: The breach took place in 2018 and affected both personal and credit card data. The fine is considerably smaller than the $236m that the ICO originally said it intended to issue back in 2019. It said…

Amazon’s Latest Gimmicks Are Pushing the Limits of Privacy

At the end of September, Amazon debuted two especially futuristic products within five days of each other: a small autonomous surveillance drone, called Ring Always Home Cam, and a palm recognition scanner, called Amazon One. “Both products aim to make security and authentication more convenient — but for privacy-conscious consumers, they also raise red flags,” reports Wired. From the report: Amazon’s…

Major Activision Hack Reportedly Compromises Over 500,000 Call of Duty Players

An anonymous reader quotes a report from Forbes: According to reports, more than 500,000 Activision accounts may have been hacked with login data being compromised. The eSports site Dexerto has reported that a data breach occurred on Sunday, September 20. The credentials to access these accounts are, Dexerto said, being leaked publicly, and account details changed to prevent easy recovery by…

Personal Information of Roughly 46,000 Veterans Exposed In VA Hack

An anonymous reader quotes a report from CNN: The Department of Veterans Affairs said Monday that roughly 46,000 veterans had their personal information, including Social Security numbers, exposed in a data breach in which “unauthorized users” gained access to an online application used for making health care payments. A preliminary review of the incident indicated that the hackers accessed the application…

The ‘Brushing’ Scam That’s Behind Mystery Parcels

If you’ve ever received a parcel from a shopping platform that you didn’t order, and nobody you know seems to have bought it for you, you might have been caught up in a “brushing” scam. From a report: It has hit the headlines after thousands of Americans received unsolicited packets of seeds in the mail, but it is not new. It’s…

Former Uber Exec Charged With Paying ‘Hush Money’ To Conceal Massive Breach

Federal prosecutors have charged Uber’s former chief security officer with covering up a massive 2016 data breach by arranging a $100,000 payoff to the hackers responsible for the attack. The personal data of 57 million Uber passengers and drivers was stolen in the hack. NPR reports: Prosecutors are charging the former executive Joe Sullivan with obstructing justice and concealing a felony…

Massive 20GB Intel IP Data Breach Floods the Internet, Mentions Backdoors

FallOutBoyTonto writes: A leaker today posted on Twitter a link to a file sharing service that contains what an anonymous source claims is a portion of Intel’s crown jewels: A 20GB folder of confidential Intel intellectual property. The leaker dubbed the release the “Intel exconfidential Lake Platform Release ;)” The folder has been posted by an anonymous source that claims more…

Capital One To Pay $80 Million Fine After Data Breach

Capital One Financial Corp will pay an $80 million penalty to a U.S. bank regulator after the bank suffered a massive data breach one year ago. From a report: The fine, announced Thursday by the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, punishes the bank for failing to adequately identify and manage risk as it moved significant portions of its technological…

Alcohol Delivery Service Drizly Confirms Data Breach

An anonymous reader quotes a report from TechCrunch: Online alcohol delivery startup Drizly has told customers that it was hit by a data breach. In an email to customers obtained by TechCrunch, the company said that a hacker “obtained” some customer data. The hacker took customer email addresses, date-of-birth, hashed passwords, and in some cases delivery addresses, the email read. Some…