Exercise Is Important for Physical AND Spiritual Health

Everyone already knows that exercise is important for your body’s fitness. But did you know that it’s critical for your mental and spiritual health as well? One might even say that it is the foundation of wellness for the entire being—body, mind, and spirit. The Science Supporting Exercise Numerous scientific studies have confirmed the importance […] Source: https://www.patheos.com/blogs/ilchilee/2018/12/12/exercise-is-important-for-physical-and-spiritual-health/…

Start Meditating Today to Take Care of Your Brain

In my list of seven most useful Power Brain techniques, meditation is second on the list. It is the key to truly changing your brain, which, in turn, is the key to changing your life. Meditation allows you to gain control over your mind in ways that no other exercise can by reducing the constant […] Source: https://www.patheos.com/blogs/ilchilee/2018/11/14/start-meditating-today-if-you-care-about-your-brain/…