In the eye of a stellar cyclone: Bizarre secrets of a ticking time-bomb star

While on COVID lockdown, a University of Sydney honours student has written a research paper on a star system dubbed one of the “exotic peacocks of the stellar world”. Source:…

NOAA predicts a ‘busy’ 2020 Atlantic hurricane season

Multiple climate factors indicate above-normal activity is most likely, according to NOAA’s 2020 Atlantic Hurricane Season Outlook. Source:…

What a Week’s Disasters Tell Us About Climate and the Pandemic

The hits came this week in rapid succession: A cyclone slammed into the Indian megacity of Kolkata, pounding rains breached two dams in the Midwestern United States, and on Thursday came warning that the Atlantic hurricane season could be severe. It all served as a reminder that the coronavirus pandemic, which has killed 325,000 people so far, is colliding with another…

Global warming is making hurricanes stronger

As Earth gets warmer, hurricanes are expected to get stronger. A study of 40 years of satellite data suggests it’s already happening. Source:…

Global warming is influencing where tropical cyclones rage

While the global average number of tropical cyclones each year hasn’t budged from 86 over the last 4 decades, climate change has been influencing the locations of these deadly storms. Source:…

Tropical Cyclone Amphan

Tropical Cyclone Amphan on May 19, 2020, on approach to eastern India and Bangladesh. Source:…

Scientists Get Their Best-Ever Look At Jupiter’s Atmosphere and Storms

Scientists have gotten their most detailed view of the wild storms that swirl through the gas giant’s atmosphere. reports: Every 53 days, Juno skims over Jupiter’s cloud tops in a close approach called a perijove, gathering data all the while. Among the spacecraft’s instruments is a microwave radiometer, which is tuned to identify lightning strikes and study what ammonia and…