How ‘Technoprogressive’ Transhumanists Are Enhancing Their Bodies With Technology

Rob Spence installed a wireless video camera in place of his right eye, reports CNN. And 29-year-old James Young’s robotic arm “features a USB port, a screen displaying his Twitter feed and a retractable dock containing a remote-controlled drone…” “As biotechnology advances, so too may our ideas of what it means to be human.” Today, we can alter our bodies in…

100-Year-Old James Lovelock Predicts Humans Will Be Replaced by Self-Aware AI

A new book by futurist James Lovelock argues “Our supremacy as the prime understanders of the cosmos is rapidly coming to end. The understanders of the future will not be humans but what I choose to call ‘cyborgs’ that will have designed and built themselves.” An anonymous reader quotes NBC News’ Mach blog:
Lovelock describes cyborgs as the self-sufficient, self-aware descendants of…