Should We Be Allowed To Kick Robots?

“Seen in the wild, robots often appear cute and nonthreatening. This doesn’t mean we shouldn’t be hostile,” argues a new article in Wired, reporting on what appears to be a pre-meditated kicking of a Knightscope K5 patrol robot in a parking lot in California: K5’s siblings, it turns out, don’t fare much better. In 2017 a drunk man attacked a K5…

Did these tardigrades survive crash-landing on the moon?

When Israel’s Beresheet lunar spacecraft crashed in April 2019, there were thousands of microscopic, dehydrated tardigrades – water bears – aboard. Source:…

They’re Making a Movie Based On the 1978 Game ‘Space Invaders’

The 1978 arcade game Space Invader will become a major motion picture, reports Engadget. “The writer behind the ‘Mortal Kombat’ reboot is involved.” Deadline reports:
It will take work fleshing this into a full-fledged alien-invasion movie, but the title is certainly a brand. In the game, a series of blocky aliens descended from the top of the screen to the bottom, and…