How Information is Like Snacks, Money, and Drugs To Your Brain

A new study by researchers at UC Berkeley’s Haas School of Business has found that information acts on the brain’s dopamine-producing reward system in the same way as money or food. From a report: “To the brain, information is its own reward, above and beyond whether it’s useful,” says Assoc. Prof. Ming Hsu, a neuroeconomist. “And just as our brains like…

Aditi’s New Passion: Making the Internet More Healthy and Safe

Aditi is a student at the Georgia Institute of Technology completing the M.S. Cyber Security program. She is also interning at Microsoft as a software engineer. Aditi is taking courses on Coursera to supplement her university learning and to further explore subjects of interest. When Aditi was 11 years old, she was diagnosed with a […]
The post Aditi’s New Passion: Making…

Will evidence for life on Mars look like fettuccine pasta?

The search for life on Mars usually involves looking for past or present microbes, invisible to the eye. Scientists at University of Illinois suggest searching instead for a type of rock formation known on Earth to be created by microbes. Source:…

Martian sands move in unearthly ways

Mars is a desert world, with sand dunes similar to those on Earth. But the processes that create them can be quite different from those on our planet, according to a new study from the University of Arizona. Source:…

Curiosity sees noctilucent clouds shining in Mars’ sky

Late last month, the Curiosity rover picked up wonderful images of noctilucent – or “night-shining” – clouds in the Martian sky. Plus – if you’re at a high latitude on Earth now – it’s time to start looking for these clouds. Source:…