The sun is between us and Mars now

So we can’t see Mars in our night sky. But, more importantly for NASA, beginning this week, space engineers won’t be able to risk sending commands to our fleet of spacecraft at Mars. What happens instead? Watch this video. Source:…

MacGyvering Mars: How NASA’s Curiosity Team Worked Around A Broken Drill

As of Tuesday the Curiosity rover has been on Mars for over seven years, and this week NASA shared an interactive 360-degree panorama of the planet’s Teal Ridge. Digital Trends provides this update: Curiosity is halfway along its path through a region called the “clay-bearing unit” because the area has a high level of clay minerals. Clay minerals are of particular…

Look around from Mars rover’s point of view

Here’s what the Curiosity rover is seeing after 7 years on Mars. Curiosity captured this 360-degree interactive panorama on June 18. Source:…

New finds for Mars rover, seven years after landing

NASA’s Curiosity rover has come a long way since touching down on Mars seven years ago. It has traveled a total of 13 miles (21 kilometers) and ascended 1,207 feet (368 meters) to its current location. Along the way, Curiosity discovered Mars had the conditions to support microbial life in the ancient past, among other things. Source:…

Researcher sees potential for ancient life on Martian surface

Photos taken by the Mars Curiosity rover may show a desolate rocky landscape to some, but to Penn State researcher Christopher House, the photos show potential for ancient life. Source:…

Image: HiRISE spots Curiosity rover at Mars’ Woodland Bay

A dramatic Martian landscape can be seen in a new image taken from space, showing NASA’s Curiosity rover examining a location called “Woodland Bay.” It’s just one of many stops the rover has made in an area referred to as the “clay-bearing unit” on the side of Mount Sharp, a 3-mile-tall (5-kilometer-tall) mountain inside of Gale Crater. Source:…

Today in 2003: Opportunity blasts off to Mars

NASA’s Opportunity rover spent some 15 years exploring Mars. It surpassed all expectations for its endurance and longevity, to become one of the most successful planetary missions. Then it went silent. Source:…

How meteors create Mars’ clouds

Scientists have been trying to figure out how clouds form in Mars’ thin atmosphere, and thanks to new research, the answer seems to be … meteors. Source:…

Unique chance to confirm there is methane – and perhaps life – on Mars

NASA’s Curiosity Rover has detected methane on Mars, and we may be able to confirm the signal because gas-measuring satellites were monitoring the same region Source:…

Unique chance to confirm methane spikes – and perhaps life – on Mars

NASA’s Curiosity rover has detected a brief burp of methane on Mars, and we may be able to confirm the signal because satellites were monitoring the same region Source:…