ESA’s Mars orbiters did not see latest Curiosity methane burst

In June, NASA’s Curiosity rover reported the highest burst of methane recorded yet, but neither ESA’s Mars Express nor the ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter recorded any signs of the illusive gas, despite flying over the same location at a similar time. Source:…

Mystery oxygen fluctuations detected on Mars

The long-running mystery of methane on Mars has now been joined by another perplexing enigma – oxygen. NASA’s Curiosity rover has made some fascinatin… Source:…

Did the Viking landers find life on Mars in 1976?

For a brief time in 1976, it seemed as if NASA’s Viking landers had found microbes on Mars! Those results have been soundly disputed in the years since, but the original experiment’s principal investigator, Gilbert Levin, still maintains they really did detect Martian microbes. Source:…

HiRISE views NASA’s InSight and Curiosity on Mars

The HiRISE camera on NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter recently sent home eye-catching views of the agency’s InSight lander and its Curiosity rover. Source:…

Curiosity finds an ancient oasis on Mars

Scientists working with the Curiosity rover have found salt-enriched rock at a place called Sutton Island on Mars. The rocks suggest ponds with briny water on Mars, billions of years ago. Source:…

Curiosity rover finds an ancient oasis on Mars

If you could travel back in time 3.5 billion years, what would Mars look like? The picture is evolving among scientists working with NASA’s Curiosity rover. Source:…

New Device Harvests Energy In Darkness

In new research published on Thursday in the journal Joule, Dr. Raman, an electrical engineer at the University of California, Los Angeles, demonstrated a way to harness a dark night sky to power a light bulb. The New York Times reports: His prototype device employs radiative cooling, the phenomenon that makes buildings and parks feel cooler than the surrounding air after…

Why does Mars’ methane vary across a single Martian day?

Previous studies showed that methane in Mars’ atmosphere varies across the Martian seasons. New research shows daily fluctuations as well. It’s interesting because, on Earth, methane gas can be tied to microbial life. Source:…