‘Game of Thrones’ Shows Why We Need to Back Up Human Civilization

The newest episode of ‘Game of Thrones’ plays on real world anxieties about data corruption and erasure.Source: https://motherboard.vice.com/en_us/article/qv7p7p/game-of-thrones-shows-why-we-need-to-back-up-human-civilization…

Are We Sacrificing Too Much For Automation?

Fast Company shares an essay from an anthropologist who researches human agency, algorithms, AI, and automation in the context of social systems: With the advent of computational tools for quantitative measurement and metrics, and the development of machine learning based on the big data developed by those metrics, organizations, Amazon among them, started to transition through a period of what I…

A Pagan Easter

Julian Rose – We don’t need a priest to divert us from the truth. Source: https://www.wakingtimes.com/2019/04/21/a-pagan-easter/…

Scientists Discover How To Make Bricks Out Of Human Waste

John Vibes – Another step forward in the search for sustainable building materials. Source: https://www.wakingtimes.com/2019/04/20/scientists-discover-how-to-make-bricks-out-of-human-waste/…

America Reports Its First Cases of A Fungus Resistant To All Major Drugs

An anonymous reader quotes the New York Times:
About 90 percent of C. auris strains are resistant to at least one drug, and 30 percent are resistant to two or more of the three major classes of antifungal drugs. However, on Tuesday, the C.D.C. confirmed that it has learned in the last month of the first known cases in the United States…

20 years after Columbine, the guns are still the problem

Source: https://www.vox.com/2019/4/19/18412627/columbine-anniversary-gun-control-mass-shootings…

Following the Notre Dame fire, The Hunchback of Notre-Dame tops best-seller lists in France

Source: https://www.vox.com/culture/2019/4/20/18507707/notre-dame-fire-hunchback-victor-hugo-best-seller…

How Chelsea went from Google IT Support Learning to a Google Job Offer

Chelsea found success after completing the Google IT Support Professional Certificate. Today, she works as a Data Center Technician at Google’s new data center in Clarksville, Tennessee. My name is Chelsea Rucker. I live in Nashville, Tennessee. I completed the Google IT Support Professional Certificate on Coursera: I was drawn to the program because Google […]
The post How Chelsea went from…

Fandom’s new “ship dynamics” meme is all about our fave romantic tropes

Source: https://www.vox.com/culture/2019/4/19/18507130/ship-dynamics-meme-twitter-art-fandom-shipping…

They survived Columbine. Then came Sandy Hook. And Parkland.

Source: https://www.vox.com/2018/3/22/17139230/columbine-anniversary-massacre-shooting-gun-control…