February birthstone is the amethyst

Are you a February baby? Here’s some cool info about your birthstone, the amethyst. Plus pics! Source: https://earthsky.org/human-world/february-birthstone-amethyst…

YouTube Removes Videos of Robots Fighting For ‘Animal Cruelty’

YouTuber and robot enthusiast Anthony Murney noticed YouTube has removed hundreds of videos showing robots battling other robots after claiming they are in breach of its rules surrounding animal cruelty. He’s blaming a new algorithm introduced by YouTube to detect instances of animal abuse. The Independent reports: Several other channels dedicated to robot combat have also produced videos pointing out the…

Do Elephants Belong In Zoos? Extinction Policy Under Scrutiny

Long-time Slashdot reader retroworks writes: In “Zoos Called It a ‘Rescue.’ But Are the Elephants Really Better Off?” New York Times reporter Charles Siebert does much to dispel the idea that zoos are a solution to extinction. In the first half of the article, the cruelty of zoos is in focus. “Neuroimaging has shown that elephants possess in their cerebral cortex…