Does the Internet Need a New Architecture that Puts Users First?

Two VoIP pioneers argue in a Wired opinion piece that “Treating the internet like a public utility only bolsters the platform giants,” adding “A more secure model starts with control by the people.”
As we rely on the internet more and more for work, social connections, and basic needs, it is time to talk about the future of meaningful online experiences, and…

Insects have declined worldwide since 1925

A new study has offered the clearest indication yet of how insects all over the world are faring. The researchers studied data on the numbers and total weight of insects and arachnids (spiders and mites) sampled in 41 countries on five continents. Source:…

Vivarium review: An indie sci-fi that packs a creepy punch

In Vivarium, a young couple in need of a starter home meet an estate agent who is very definitely not what he seems, and nor is the estate he shows them, finds Simon Ings Source:…

Doc Searls: ‘Zoom Needs to Clean Up Its Privacy Act’

The former editor-in-chief of the Linux Journal just published an annotated version of Zoom’s privacy policy. Searls calls it “creepily chummy with the tracking-based advertising biz (also called adtech).
I’ll narrow my inquiry down to the “Does Zoom sell Personal Data?” section of the privacy policy, which was last updated on March 18. The section runs two paragraphs, and I’ll comment on…

Forbes Criticizes Airbnb ‘Surveillance Bugs To Make Sure Guests Behave’

“So this is creepy,” writes a Forbes cybersecurity reporter, saying Airbnb “has put aside the stories of hosts secretly spying on guests” to promote a new line of devices Forbes calls “surveillance bugs to make sure guests behave.” Vice reports:
As part of its “party prevention” campaign, the home-sharing service is offering discounts on devices designed to alert hosts when there’s an…

New $300 Kitchen Playset For Children Includes Amazon’s Alexa

“Kids can play with Alexa in their very own $300 pretend kitchen and grocery store,” CNET reports, “with the Amazon voice assistant dishing out cooking advice, shopping help and plenty of goofy toddler humor.”
The Alexa 2-in-1 Kitchen and Market, from toymaker KidKraft, is making its debut at this weekend’s New York Toy Fair… It uses a mix of RFID sensors and…

Barclays Installed Big Brother-style Spyware on Employees’ Computers

Barclays has been criticised by HR experts and privacy campaigners after the bank installed “Big Brother” employee monitoring software in its London headquarters. From a report: Introduced as a pilot last week, the technology monitors Barclays workers’ activity on their computers, and in some instances admonishes staff in daily updates to them if they are not deemed to have been active…