Hackers Exploit Websites To Give Them Excellent SEO Before Deploying Malware

schwit1 shares a report from ZDNet: Cyberattackers have turned to search engine optimization (SEO) techniques to deploy malware payloads to as many victims as possible. According to Sophos, the so-called search engine “deoptimization” method includes both SEO tricks and the abuse of human psychology to push websites that have been compromised up Google’s rankings. SEO optimization is used by webmasters to…

Microsoft’s Dream of Decentralized IDs Enters the Real World

For years, tech companies have touted blockchain technology as a means to develop identity systems that are secure and decentralized. The goal is to build a platform that could store information about official data without holding the actual documents or details themselves. Instead of just storing a scan of your birth certificate, for example, a decentralized ID platform might store a…

SolarWinds’ Former CEO Blames Intern for ‘solarwinds123’ Password Leak

“Current and former top executives at SolarWinds are blaming a company intern for a critical lapse in password security that apparently went undiagnosed for years,” reports CNN. The password in question, “solarwinds123,” was discovered in 2019 on the public internet by an independent security researcher who warned the company that the leak had exposed a SolarWinds file server… It is still…

Researchers Test UN’s Cybersecurity, Find Personal Data On 100K Employees

chicksdaddy shares a report from The Security Ledger: Independent security researchers testing the security of the United Nations were able to compromise public-facing servers and a cloud-based GitHub development account used by the U.N. and lift data on more than 100,000 staff and employees, according to a report by The Security Ledger. Researchers affiliated with Sakura Samurai, a newly formed collective…

Attackers May Still Be Breaking into US Networks Without SolarWinds, CISA says

On Friday, America’s Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency revealed that the “threat actor” behind the massive breach of U.S. networks through compromised SolarWinds software also used password guessing and password spraying attacks, according to ZDNet. And they may still be breaching federal networks, reports GCN: “Specifically, we are investigating incidents in which activity indicating abuse of Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML)…

When will the Age of Aquarius begin?

Astronomers and astrologers may agree that the Age of Aquarius starts when the vernal equinox point moves out of constellation Pisces and into Aquarius. But when will that be? There’s no definitive answer. Source: https://earthsky.org/human-world/when-will-the-age-of-aquarius-begin…

‘Unforced Error’ in Suspected Russian Data Breach May Have Led to Its Discovery

CNN reports:
US officials and private sector experts investigating the massive data breach that has rocked Washington increasingly believe the attackers were ultimately discovered because they took a more aggressive “calculated risk” that led to a possible “unforced error” as they tried to expand their access within the network they had penetrated months earlier without detection, according to a US official and…

MIT Electrical Engineer Selected For US Senate

oort99 writes: MIT Electrical Engineering graduate and California Secretary of State Alex Padilla has been selected by California governor Gavin Newsom to replace Kamala Harris. He will join Steve Daines and Martin Heinrich as one of three U.S. Senators with engineering credentials currently serving in the Senate. “Padilla, 47, the son of Mexican immigrants, will be the first Latino from the…

Microsoft: 2021 Is the Year Passwords Die

Usama Jawad writes via Neowin: has been a proponent of passwordless technology for quite some time, saying that it wants traditional and unsafe passwords to die. To that end, it has invested in various solutions over the past few years such as Windows Hello, Microsoft Authenticator, FIDO2 security keys, and a palm vein authentication system, among other things. Now, the company…

How Sabelo applied lessons from online learning to found his own tech company in South Africa

Meet Sabelo, the co-founder and CEO of Tuse, a company based in South Africa that offers award-winning artificial intelligence, blockchain, and IoT solutions. Prior to his success with Tuse, Sabelo spent eight years as a self-taught developer. He eventually determined that he needed additional training if he was to achieve his goal of launching his […]
The post How Sabelo applied lessons…