Pine Island Glacier spawns PIGlets

Antarctica’s Pine Island Glacier – known as ‘PIG’ for short – has just spawned a huge iceberg. At over 115 square miles (300 square km), this huge berg quickly broke into many ‘PIGlet’ pieces Source:…

Chrome 80 Arrives With Mixed Content Autoupgraded To HTTPS, Cookie Changes, and Contact Picker API

An anonymous reader quotes a report from VentureBeat: Google today launched Chrome 80 for Windows, Mac, Linux, Android, and iOS. The release includes autoupgrading mixed content to HTTPS, SameSite cookie changes, quieter permission UI for notifications, and more developer features. This release thus beefs up security for the world’s most popular browser and begins cracking down on cross-site cookies. You can…

F-35’s Gun That Can’t Shoot Straight Adds To Its Roster of Flaws

Add a gun that can’t shoot straight to the problems that dog Lockheed Martin’s $428 billion F-35 program, including more than 800 software flaws. From a report: The 25mm gun on Air Force models of the Joint Strike Fighter has “unacceptable” accuracy in hitting ground targets and is mounted in housing that’s cracking, the Pentagon’s test office said in its latest…

US Cops Have Wide Access To Phone Cracking Software, New Documents Reveal

Many police departments across the United States already have the ability to crack mobile devices, including the iPhone. From a report: Over the past three months, OneZero sent Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests to over 50 major police departments, sheriffs, and prosecutors around the country asking for information about their use of phone-cracking technology. Hundreds of documents from these agencies…

Culture picks of 2020: We preview the best books, films and games

Wondering what to read, watch and see this year? Here’s our cracking cultural calendar of the most interesting non-fiction, films, games, events and sci-fi Source:…

The best new books, films and games to enjoy in 2020

Wondering what to read, watch and see this year? Here’s our cracking cultural calendar of the most interesting non-fiction, films, games, events and sci-fi in 2020 Source:…

First Active Fault Zone Found on Mars

Rumbling quakes on the red planet have been traced back to Cerberus Fossae, suggesting this geologically young region is still alive and cracking. From a report: Millions of miles away, a robot geologist stands alone on the dusty surface of Mars, listening for faint seismic echoes in the ground below. Its finger on the red planet’s pulse is sensitive enough to…

Iran’s Internet Freedom is On Life Support

An anonymous reader shares a report: In November, Iran’s government announced a price hike on oil, leading to mass protests in Tehran. To quell the spreading unrest, the Iranian government effectively shut down the internet. After a week of Iranian security forces cracking down on protesters, including an estimated death toll between 140 and 208, internet access was gradually restored around…

Number-crunchers set new record for cracking online encryption keys

A new record has been set for the largest encryption key ever broken, but there is little threat to online data for now Source:…

Black Friday Shoppers: Beware of Fake Five-Star Reviews

As shopping takes off for the holiday season, so do phony reviews — and pressure is mounting on major retailers to fight back. From a report: More than a third of online reviews on major websites, including those on, Walmart and Sephora, are fake, meaning they are generated by robots or people paid to write them, according to Fakespot, which…