UK Use of Software Linked To Russia-Hack Runs Deep

The little-known Texas software company that’s been attacked by suspected Russian hackers has a sprawling reach among U.K. government agencies, potentially putting clients from the National Health Service to police forces at risk. From a report: SolarWinds, which fell victim to hackers who put a “backdoor” in the software giving them access to users’ computer networks, has been deployed by the…

Britain Is Getting Ready for Its Space Race

Spurred by Brexit, London is backing companies that will build satellites and haul them into orbit. From a report: Cornwall, in England’s far southwest, is known for antique fishing villages and snug, cliff-lined beaches. Soon it may be the scene of something very different: a small but growing space industry. One day in a year or two, a modified Boeing 747…

Google Plans To Build a New Undersea Network Cable Connecting the US, UK and Spain

New submitter rewindustry writes: Google has announced plans to build a new undersea network cable connecting the US, UK and Spain. The tech giant says it is incorporating new technology into the cable, which it claims is a significant upgrade to older existing lines. The project is expected to be completed by 2022. Underwater data cables are vital to global communications…

Human-linked Earth vibrations dropped 50% during Covid-19 lockdown

Between March and May 2020, many people across Earth went into lockdown. During those months, seismographs recorded a drop in human-linked vibrations in the solid Earth, by an average of 50%. Source:…

Residents puzzled by 40 ‘UFOs’ over Cornwall

People in and around Truro, England couldn’t believe their eyes when they looked skyward this morning. “It was bizarre,” said school minibus driver Wa… Source:…

New names for 5 Jupiter moons

The naming suggestions in a contest – which ran from last February to April – ranged from the scholarly to the silly, these scientists said. We think you’ll like the winners. Source:…

Beast of Cornwall? Many Sightings and Pet Attacks by Mysterious Big Black Cat

“Honey, have you seen Spot?” That’s never something a dog owner wants to hear, but it’s particularly disconcerting these days in parts of Cornwall, England, where a number of people have seen a mysterious big black cat and a Labrador ran home bloodied and clawed after an encounter with a creature who left paw prints… Continue reading Beast of Cornwall? Many Sightings and Pet Attacks by Mysterious Big Black Cat