Java EE ‘Goes All In’ on Open Source with Jakarta EE 8

An anonymous reader quotes ZDNet:
While Sun open-sourced some of Java as long ago as November 2006, actually using Java in an open-source way was… troublesome. Just ask Google about Android and Java. But for Java in the enterprise things have changed. On September 10, The Eclipse Foundation announced the full open-source release of the Jakarta EE 8 Full Platform and Web…

2019 Hugo Award Winners Include a Fan Fiction Site and ‘Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse’

DevNull127 writes: The 77th World Science Fiction Convention announced the winners of the 2019 Hugo Awards at a ceremony Sunday night. Here’s some of the highlights. At least two of these stories can be read (for free) online: BEST NOVELETTE: “If at First You Don’t Succeed, Try, Try Again,” by Zen Cho. The entire text is availabe online in the B&N…

Wildlife summit to consider global ban on saiga antelope trade

Protections for saiga antelope, mako sharks and even woolly mammoths will be considered at a conference of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species Source:…

Lawmakers, Intelligence Officials Welcomed To This Year’s Def Con Conference

“Multiple members of congress, dozens of congressional staffers and members of the intelligence community are gathering in Las Vegas this weekend to rub shoulders with hackers at Def Con,” reports CNN: Washington’s embrace of the hacking community comes amid heightened awareness of the threat of cyber attacks in the wake of the 2016 US presidential election and lawmakers realizing they need…