While Europe Accounts for 46% of COVID-19 Cases, Taiwan Goes 200 Days Without a Local Infection

Europe “now accounts for 46% of global coronavirus cases,” reports ABC News, “and nearly a third of total related deaths.” Dr. Jean-Francois Delfraissy, a senior French physician and the president of the scientific council that reports to the government, warned that the country has “lost control of the epidemic,” after health authorities reported more than 52,000 new cases. He said that…

Apple Says Some AirPods Pro Have Sound Problems, Will Replace For Free

Apple said on Friday that it’s replacing AirPods Pro headphones that have sound problems. CNBC reports: These problems include a static or crackling sound that increases in loud environments and issues with active noise cancellation. Apple said AirPods Pro made after October 2020 don’t have the problems. Owners who experience problems can contact Apple online or make an appointment at an…

Waymo Pulls Back the Curtain On 6.1 Million Miles of Self-Driving Car Data

An anonymous reader quotes a report from The Verge: In its first report on its autonomous vehicle operations in Phoenix, Arizona, Waymo said that it was involved in 18 crashes and 29 near-miss collisions during 2019 and the first nine months of 2020. These crashes included rear-enders, vehicle swipes, and even one incident when a Waymo vehicle was T-boned at an…

Grubhub Hit With Lawsuit for Listing Restaurants Without Permission

Two restaurants have initiated a potential class-action lawsuit against GrubHub for allegedly listing 150,000 restaurants to its site without the businesses’ permission. From a report: The Farmer’s Wife in Sebastopol, California and Antonia’s Restaurant in Hillsborough, NC filed the suit with Gibbs Law Group, accusing Grubhub of adding their restaurants to its site despite not entering into a partnership, which causes…

4.5-bil­lion-year-old ice on comet ‘fluffi­er than cap­puc­ci­no froth’

After years of detective work, scientists working on the European Space Agency (ESA) Rosetta mission have now been able to locate where the Philae lander made its second and penultimate contact with the surface of Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko on 12 November 2014, before finally coming to a halt 30 metres away. This landing was monitored from the German Aerospace Center Philae Control…

World’s First Ocean Hybrid Platform Converts Tidal Waves Into Energy

Qusi Alqarqaz writes via IEEE Spectrum: In August I spoke with Philipp Sinn, founder of Sinn Power, a German green-energy startup founded in 2014. This year he and his colleagues began building and testing the world’s first ocean hybrid platform. The floating platform uses a combination of wave, wind, and solar energy to harness renewable energy on the open seas, Sinn…

What does ‘close contact’ for COVID-19 really mean? Epidemiologist explains.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has new guidance clarifying what exactly “close contact” means when it comes to transmission of SARS-Cov-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. Source: https://www.livescience.com/close-contact-covid-19-explained.html

Cult Expert Predicts QAnon Adherents Will ‘Get Angry and Exit’

“From my time studying cults and helping followers escape them, I can reassure you that QAnon will disintegrate in the United States over time if effective measures are taken if and when Trump is defeated,” writes prominent mental health counselor Steven Haasan: When cult adherents get confused, then ashamed, then realize they’ve been scammed, they get angry and exit. While some…

Covid-19 will probably become endemic. Here’s what that means

Rather than completely disappear – even when vaccines become available- it’s likely that the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 will be added to the family of infectious diseases known as “endemic” in the human population. Source: https://earthsky.org/human-world/covid-19-coronavirus-will-probably-become-endemic-defintion…