Apple Opens 100 More US Stores — With Mandatory Temperature Checks For Customers

“Apple is in the process of reopening 100 U.S. retail stores,” reports Apple Insider, adding “as expected, those outlets look a lot different post-coronavirus.” For example, the company is performing temperature-checks at the door and requiring facial coverings before entering the store. Apple has also indicated that it will provide facial coverings to customers if need be. As you approach the…

On Mars, mud flows like lava

Scientists in Europe have found that some features on Mars that were thought to be lava flows may actually have been flows of muddy water. Source:…

Ready, SETI, go: Is there a race to contact E.T.?

Researchers using China’s huge new FAST radio telescope are piecing together a technological strategy to carry out a major and sweeping search for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI). Source:

North Dakota’s COVID-19 App Has Been Sending Data To Foursquare and Google

The official COVID-19 contact-tracing app for the state of North Dakota, designed to detect whether people have potentially been exposed to the coronavirus, sends location data and a unique user identifier to Foursquare — and other data to Google and a bug-tracking company — according to a new report from smartphone privacy company Jumbo Privacy. From a report: The app, called…

Apple and Google Launch Digital Contact Tracing System

Apple and Google announced today that they have rolled out a COVID-19 exposure notification system, “essentially a unified programming interface that will allow public health departments to create their own contact tracing applications,” reports ABC News. “Apple and Google are not building contact tracing apps.” From the report: “Starting today, our Exposure Notifications technology is available to public health agencies on…

UK needs contact strategy to prevent second wave of covid-19

The latest coronavirus news updated every day including coronavirus cases, the latest news, features and interviews from New Scientist and essential information about the covid-19 pandemic Source:…

Covid-19 news: UK aims to recruit 25,000 contact tracers by June

The latest coronavirus news updated every day including coronavirus cases, the latest news, features and interviews from New Scientist and essential information about the covid-19 pandemic Source:…

How can countries know when it’s safe to ease coronavirus lockdowns?

To safely lift lockdown restrictions, countries need to have a low number of daily new cases and the capacity to conduct extensive testing and contact tracing Source:…

UK government advised to ‘urgently’ build up contact tracing capacity

The latest coronavirus news updated every day including coronavirus cases, the latest news, features and interviews from New Scientist and essential information about the covid-19 pandemic Source:…

Johns Hopkins trains 22,000 contact tracers on Coursera in the first week

By Jeff Maggioncalda, CEO Coursera On May 11, The Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health launched a free course on Coursera, COVID-19 Contact Tracing, to help states expand their contact tracing capacity by training thousands of contact tracers. This is a crucial step in meeting their recommendation for more than 100,000 additional contact tracers […]
The post Johns Hopkins trains 22,000…