Google Is Building a Special Android Security Team to Hunt Bugs in Sensitive Apps

“Google is hiring to create a special Android security team that will be tasked with finding vulnerabilities in highly sensitive apps on the Google Play Store,” reports ZDNet: “As a Security Engineering Manager in Android Security… Your team will perform application security assessments against highly sensitive, third party Android apps on Google Play, working to identify vulnerabilities and provide remediation guidance…

New York and New Jersey launch COVID-19 contact tracing apps

The app uses bluetooth technology to alert people that they’ve been in close contact with someone who has COVID-19. Source:

A Utah Company Claims It Invented Contact Tracing Tech

In the fight against Covid-19, contact tracing apps have so far largely been disappointments — in the United States, at least. Proposed in the spring as a way to help quickly stifle viral outbreaks by tracking down potential exposures using smartphones, they were stunted by technical glitches, concerns over privacy, and the US’s fragmented, haphazard pandemic response. Now, they may become…

In America, Only Three States Use Google-Apple Contact Tracing App

NBC News reports that in various parts of America, “States that had committed to using contact tracing apps or expressed interest are now backing away from those claims.”
The few states that have rolled them out have seen only tepid responses. And there are no indications of any momentum for the apps at a national level… A survey of state health officials…

Will Schools Turn to Surveillance Tech to Prevent Covid-19 Spread?

An anonymous reader quotes Wired:
When students return to school in New Albany, Ohio, in August, they’ll be carefully watched as they wander through red-brick buildings and across well-kept lawns — and not only by teachers. The school district, with five schools and 4,800 students, plans to test a system that would require each student to wear an electronic beacon to track…

Apple and Google Launch Digital Contact Tracing System

Apple and Google announced today that they have rolled out a COVID-19 exposure notification system, “essentially a unified programming interface that will allow public health departments to create their own contact tracing applications,” reports ABC News. “Apple and Google are not building contact tracing apps.” From the report: “Starting today, our Exposure Notifications technology is available to public health agencies on…